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The report of the International Commission on the Holocaust in Romania

The report was submitted to President Ion Iliescu in Bucharest on November 11, 2004

The International Commission on the Holocaust in Romania was created by President Ion Iliescu in October 2003 to examine the history of the Holocaust in Romania. The Commission’s purpose was to establish a true and accurate picture of this period in Romanian history, and to disseminate its findings in Romania and abroad.

Comprising recognized historians and public figures from the United States, Romania, France, Germany and Israel, the Commission was backed by the American Jewish Committee, B’nai Brith, the US Holocaust Memorial Museum and Yad Vashem.

The Commission was chaired by Nobel Laureate and Vice-Chairman of the Yad Vashem Council, Prof. Elie Wiesel, with Israel State Archivist Dr. Tuvia Friling, General Mihail E. Ionescu of the Romanian Institute of Political Defense Studies and Military History, and Dr. Radu Ioanid of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum acting as Co-Vice-Chairmen.

“A terrible danger is hovering over our heads. We are about to be sent to the Ukraine on foot…Imagine our situation when one has to walk all this way on foot – the days being so cold – with a small child…. If only I could see you one more time…”

(last letter of Ida Goldish, October 1941, Yad Vashem Archive)

Full Report in English

Table of Contents


Speech given by Ion Iliescu - October 12, 2004

Message of Elie Wiesel

Ch.1 - Roots of Romanian Antisemitism

Ch.2 - Romanian-German Relations before and during the Holocaust

Ch.3 - The 1940 Romanian withdrawal from Bessarabia and N. Bukovia

Ch.4 - Antisemitic Propaganda and Official Rhetoric

Ch.5 - The Holocaust in Romania

Ch.6 - Exclusion of Jews from Romanian Society

Ch.7 - Life of the Jewish Community under Antonescu

Ch.8 - The Deportation of the Roma and Their Treatment in Transnistria

Ch.9 - The Role of Antonescu in the Antisemitic and Anti-Roma Policies

Ch.10 - The Holocaust in Northern Transylvania

Ch.11 - Solidarity and Rescue

Ch.12 - Trials of War Criminals

Ch.13 - Distortion Negationism and Minimalization




Full Report in Romanian


Cuvant inainte revazut

Alocutiunea Presedintelui Romaniei - Ion Iliescu - 12 octombrie 2004

Mesajul Presedintelui CISHR Elie Wiesel

Ch. 1 - Fundalul şi precursorii Holocaustului - Rădăcini ale antisemitismului românesc

Ch. 2 - Relaţiile româno-germane - înaintea şi în timpul Holocaustului

Ch. 3 - Retragerea din Basarabia şi Bucovina de Nord în iunie-iulie 1940 şi consecinţele ei asupra relaţiilor interetnice în România

Ch. 4 - Propaganda antisemită si retorica oficială despre primejdia iudeo-bolşevismului. Evreii români şi comunismul în perioada 1938-1944

Ch. 5 - Holocaustul în România

Ch. 6 - Procesul de excludere a evreilor din societatea românească în timpul guvernelor lui ion antonescu cu şi fără legionari: legislaţia antisemită, românizarea şi exproprierea

Ch. 7 - Viata comunitatilor evreiesti in timpul lui Ion Antonescu şi raspunsul lor la Holocaustul din România

Ch. 8 - Deportarea romilor şi tratamentul lor în Transnistria

Ch. 9 - Rolul lui Ion Antonescu în planificarea şi implementarea politicilor antisemite şi anti-rome ale statului român

Ch. 10 - Holocaustul în Transilvania de Nord

Ch. 11 - Solidaritate şi salvare - Români printre „Cei Drepţi Între Popoare”

Ch. 12 - Procesul criminalilor de război

Ch. 13 - Distorsionarea, negarea şi minimalizarea Holocaustului în România postbelică

Concluzii şi recomandări