Yad Vashem Photo Archives, 121Go2

Excerpt from: The Partisans
Director: Ayelet Heller
Producers: Noemi Schory, Liat Benhabib, Liran Atzmor
Production company: Belfilms Ltd.

Excerpt from: Underground Rescue Activity - France and Hungary
Director: Ayelet Heller
Producers: Noemi Schory, Liat Benhabib, Liran Atzmor
Production company: Belfilms Ltd.

Yad Vashem Artifacts Collection.
Donated by Charles Wittenberg, Canada

Yad Vashem Artifacts Collection
Donated by Vitka Kovner, Israel

In June 1941, the Germans entered Krasnowka and murdered the Shlain family. Motale witnessed the murders from his hiding place in the attic. When darkness fell, Motale fled to the forest with his violin and joined the partisan unit led by “Diadia Misha” (Moshe Gildenman, from the city of Korets. A few months later, Motale was killed while fighting against the Germans.
Yad Vashem Artifacts Collection
Donated by Yousef (Seffi) Hanegbi, Arad and Zahava Shanni, Rehovot, Israel

- The Discussion on Fighting Aims by the Activists of the Bialystok Members of the Dror Movement, February 27, 1943
- SS General Stroop on the Battles in the Warsaw Ghetto Revolt Final Report from the German Battle Diary, April-May 1943
- The Revolt at the Sobibor Extermination Camp
- Proclamation by the F.P.O. Calling for Revolt in Vilna, September 1, 1943
- Daily Report from the German Battle Diary
- Daily Report from the German Battle Diary

Loan of Tania Behar-Zacharia, Arad, Jana Behar, Sofia
Collection of the Yad Vashem Art Museum, Jerusalem

Gift of the artist
Collection of the Yad Vashem Art Museum

The ghettos buzzed with rumors about the murder of Jews. Most inhabitants, however, found the vague information difficult to absorb, especially in view of the unprecedented nature of the events described. However, resistance groups obtained reliable information about the murders by means of couriers and liaisons outside the ghettos. As the information accumulated, they finally realized that a terrifying campaign of systematic murder, previously unheard of in human history, was being perpetrated. However, they only grasped this awareness after the execution of the deportations from the ghettos, and then they began to prepare for armed resistance.
The war of self-defense was carried out on three levels: armed uprisings in ghettos and camps; escape and smuggling of Jews from towns and ghettos to the forests for partisan warfare; and hiding by individuals in various hiding places, collective rescue efforts, and rescue of children.
Jews were active in the Belgian and French resistance and played a considerable role in the Slovakian uprising that broke out in the summer of 1944. Most Jews who fled to the mountains of Yugoslavia joined Tito’s partisan army. Tens of thousands of Jews reached the forests of Belarus and the Ukraine; they helped to establish partisan companies and fought admirably in special Jewish units or in mixed battalions. In Belarus and the Ukraine, family camps were established in the heart of dense forests; the fugitive noncombatant Jews who lived there were fed and protected by Jewish fighters.
Rebellions also took place in the death camps. In August 1943, the uprising in Treblinka broke out. Three groups of prisoners who had been put to work burning bodies and sorting the many victims’ belongings killed some of the camp commanders and guards, took over the armory, and set the gas chambers and the camp barracks ablaze. In Sobibor, prisoners rose up and several managed to escape. In Auschwitz-Birkenau, a group of prisoners blew up one of the crematoria.