Plan your Visit to Yad Vashem
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Sun-Thurs: 09:00-16:00
Fridays and holiday eves: 09:00-13:00
Saturday and Jewish holidays – Closed

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Yad Vashem is open to the general public, free of charge. All visits to Yad Vashem must be reserved in advance.

About the Program

One of Yad Vashem’s principal duties is to convey the gratitude of the State of Israel and the Jewish people to Righteous Among the Nations who took great risks to save Jews during the Holocaust.

Program History

Program History

The term “Righteous Among the Nations” (Chasidei Umot HaOlam) was taken from Jewish tradition – from the literature of the Sages – where it was used to describe non-Jews who came to the aid of the Jewish people...
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The Commission for the Designation of the Righteous

The Commission for the Designation of the Righteous

The Commission consists of volunteers. Most of them are Holocaust survivors who, though haunted by their personal suffering during the Holocaust, strongly believe in the importance of bringing to light the stories of humanism and rescue....
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Honoring the Righteous

Honoring the Righteous

Persons recognized as a "Righteous Among the Nations" are awarded a specially minted medal bearing their name, a certificate of honor, and the privilege of their names being added to the Wall of Honor in the Garden of the...
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Member of the Commission for the designation of the Righteous Dr. Ehud Loeb presenting the medal and certificate of honor to  Malgorzata-Ana Gronek along with the director of the Righteous department, Irena Steinfeldt, at the Synaogue in Yad Vashem

Continued Recognition

“We very much regret that we did not take steps until now to pay tribute to this good, simple and noble woman. Knowing that acting humanely in those times is being rewarded by the State of Israel will be a satisfaction and a...
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