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Visiting Info
Opening Hours:

Sunday to Thursday: ‬09:00-17:00

Fridays and Holiday eves: ‬09:00-14:00

Yad Vashem is closed on Saturdays and all Jewish Holidays.

Entrance to the Holocaust History Museum is not permitted for children under the age of 10. Babies in strollers or carriers will not be permitted to enter.

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For more Visiting Information

Reference and Information Services

The Yad Vashem Archives hold the world's largest collection of materials from the Holocaust period, including documents, photographs, testimonies, lists, Pages of Testimony, and more.

The Reference and Information Services Department provides guidance and assistance in locating materials and information about the Holocaust for various audiences: Holocaust survivors and their families, the general public, researchers, and institutions. Reference services are available both in the Reading Room of the Archives and Library and for remote inquiries.

Please note: Before contacting us, you can find a wealth of materials in Yad Vashem's online databases.

To access online research and reference services, please click here.

A Reading Room in the Archives and Library Building

Visiting the Reading and Research Rooms

Central Reading Room of the Yad Vashem Archives and LibraryIn the Central Reading Room in the Archives and Library Building, visitors are offered research assistance and have access to a great variety of materials from different sources:Documentation from the Yad Vashem Archives: Most documents have been scanned and are available on the computers in the reading room. Documents which have not been scanned, yet, can be ordered from the stacks.Documentation from the Arolsen Archives in Germany – the former International Tracing Services of which Yad Vashem is an official copyholder.The...
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Providing reference services online

Remote Reference and Information Services

The Yad Vashem Archives offer online reference and information services, including sending archival materials to you without the need for a physical visit of the archives.
Additionally, you can schedule a one-on-one guidance session on using Yad Vashem's online databases (for a fee).Note: Before contacting us, you can find a wealth of materials in the online databases on the Yad Vashem website.We offer the following services:Information about the fate of individuals during the Holocaust (To search for information about names and wartime experiences of Holocaust victims and survivors, please...
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„Yizkor“-Gedenkbücher verschiedener Gemeinden im Zentralen Lesesaal

Request for Information on a Victim from the Holocaust Period

The Yad Vashem Archives and databases contain the largest collection of information about Holocaust victims. The information is based on Pages of Testimony, lists, documents, photographs and testimonies. In general, searches for names are based on two main databases:The document database, lists and Pages of Testimony, which together make up the Central Database of Shoah Victims’ Names.The document database received from the ITS Archives. The Arolsen documents were microfilmed during the 1950s. Since 2008, Yad Vashem has gradually been acquiring updated and scanned copies of these documents.You...
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