- "Eager Killers"
- A Monument of Words
- Abba Kovner - Yitzchak Zuckerman - Two Approaches to the Jewish Exodus from Europe
- After the Shoah: Christian Statements of Contrition
- American Immigration Policy 1945-1950
- An Interview With Prof. Christopher Browning
- An Interview With Prof. Hans Mommsen
- An Interview With Prof. James E. Young
- An Interview With Prof. Rev. Franklin H. Littell
- An Interview With Prof. Saul Friedlaender
- An Interview With Prof. Shulamit Volkov
- An Interview With Prof. Yehuda Bauer
- An Interview With Prof. Yisrael Gutman
- An Interview With Professor Michael Marrus
- Antisemitism As A Motivating Factor
- Antisemitism in Tourist Facilities in Weimar Germany
- Antisemitism, Holocaust and the Holy See: An Appraisal of New Books About the Vatican and the Holocaust
- Auschwitz - Grosswerther - Gunskirchen: A Nine Months' Odyssey Through Eight Nazi Concentration Camps
- Auschwitz Scholars Examine Auschwitz
- Canadian Immigration Policy Towards Survivors
- Denmark and the Holocaust
- Destruction Through Work: Lodz Jews in the Büssing Truck Factory in Braunschweig, 1944-1945
- Diaries and Memoirs as a Historical Source - The Diary and Memoir of a Rabbi at the “Konin House of Bondage”
- Did Pioneering Palestine Try to Reach Poland After Liberation?
- Dilemma of Forgiveness
- Encountering the New Testament
- Everyday Antisemitism in Pre-War Nazi Germany: The Popular Bases
- Expelling Jews From Pre-War German Society
- Fear and Misery in the Third Reich: From the Files of the Collective Guardianship Office of the Berlin Jewish Community
- Flashpoints of Catholic-Jewish Relations
- Flight to Shanghai, 1938-1940: The Larger Setting
- Forced Emigration of the Jews of Burgenland: Test Case
- French Protestant Churches and the Persecution of the Jews in France
- German Antisemitism Prior To Hilter's Rise To Power
- German Historians versus Goldhagen
- German Jews Confront Nazism, as Reflected in Jewish History
- Goldhagen — His Critics and His Contribution
- Hans Krueger and the Murder of the Jews in the Stanislawow Region (Galicia)
- Have “Many Lies Accumulated in History Books”? - The Holocaust in Ashkenazi Haredi Historical Consciousness in Israel
- Historical Atlases and the Holocaust
- Hitler and the Pogrom of November 9/10, 1938
- How the Jewish Police in the Kovno Ghetto Saw Itself
- Human Reciprocity Among the Jewish Prisoners in the Nazi Concentration Camps
- In Blessed Memory of a Dream: Mordechai Shenhavi and Initial Holocaust Commemoration Ideas in Palestine, 1942–1945
- Jewish Baranowicze in the Holocaust
- Jewish Holocaust Commemoration Activity in the USSR under Stalin*
- Jewish Life in Nazi Germany—A View “from Below”
- Jewish Warfare and the Participation of Jews in Combat In the Soviet Union as Reflected in Soviet and Western Historiography
- Jews in General Anders’ Army in the Soviet Union
- Jews in the Service of Organisation Todt in the Occupied Soviet Territories, October 1941– March 1942
- Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, But Not for All: France and the “Alien” Jews, 1933-1942
- Malice in Action
- Network of Terror: The Nazi Concentration Camps
- No Anonymous Desk-Murderers
- No Middle Ground for the Eichmann Männer?
- Of Integrity, Rescue, and Splinter Groups
- On the Difficulties of Daily Life Among the DPs
- Ordinary Men, Extraordinary Photos
- PIUS XII and the Holocaust
- Palestinian POWs in German Captivity
- Parenthood and the Holocaust
- Patterns Of Anti-Jewish Violence In Poland, 1944-1946
- Plunder of Jewish Property in the Nazi-Occupied Areas Of the Soviet Union
- Portugal and the Nazi Gold:The "Lisbon Connection" in the Sales of Looted Gold by the Third Reich
- Portugal, the Consuls, and the Jewish Refugees, 1938-1941
- Poverty and Persecution: The Reichsvereinigung, the Jewish Population, and Anti-Jewish Policy in the Nazi State, 1939-1945
- Public Welfare and the German Jews under National Socialism
- Response of the Jewish Daily Press in Palestine to the Accession of Hitler, 1933
- Responses Outside the Mainstream Catholic and Protestant Traditions
- Seen from Jedwabne
- Stalin’s Bureaucracy in Action: The Creation and Destruction of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee
- Switzerland and the Refugees Fleeing Nazism: Documents on the German Jews Turned Back at the Basel Border in 1938-1939
- The Abnormality of the Normal
- The American Jewish Committee and the Admission of Nazi Collaborators into the United States, 1948-1950
- The Attack on Berlin Department Stores (Warenhaeuser) After 1933
- The Bund - Like All the Jews, With All the Jews
- The Catholic Church in Poland and the Holocaust, 1939-1945
- The Catholic Elites in Brazil and Their Attitude Toward the Jews, 1933–1939*
- The Catholic Hierarchy in France during the War and the Persecution of the Jews
- The Christian Churches and the Persecution of Jews in the Occupied Territories of the U.S.S.R
- The Christian Churches of Hungary and the Holocaust
- The Churches and the Deportation and Persecution of Jews in Slovakia
- The Daily Life of the Village and Country Jews in Hessen from Hitler's Ascent to Power to November 1938
- The Death Marches of Hungarian Jews Through Austria in the Spring of 1945
- The Decline and Fall of German Jewry
- The Disappointment of the Survivors in the DP Camps with the Jewish Organizations
- The Escalation of German-Rumanian Anti-Jewish Policy after the Attack on the Soviet Union, June 22, 1941
- The Fate of Jewish Prisoners of War in the September 1939 Campaign
- The Foundation and Activities of the Hungarian Jewish Council, March 20 - July 7, 1944
- The German Churches in the Third Reich
- The Germans: "An Antisemitic People”. The Press Campaign After 9 November 1938
- The Historian Albert Fischer on the Minister of Economics and the Expulsion of the Jews from German Economy
- The Historian as Provocateur: George Mosse’s Accomplishment and Legacy
- The Holocaust as Change Agent
- The Holocaust at Nuremberg
- The Holocaust: Factor in the Birth of Israel?
- The Impact of the Nazi Racial Decrees on the University of Heidelberg
- The Importance of Ideology in Choosing a Destination for Emigration
- The Jews of Pinsk, 1939-1943, Through the Prism of New Documentation
- The Joint’s Activity Among the Jews of Romania
- The Meeting Between the Jewish Soldiers from Palestine Serving in the British Army and “She’erit Hapletah”
- The Nazi Party and its Violence Against the Jews, 1933-1939: Violence as a Historiographical Concept
- The Nazis and the German Population: A Faustian Deal?
- The Origins of “Operation Reinhard”: The Decision-Making Process for the Mass Murder of the Jews in the Generalgouvernement
- The Participation of Jews in the Allied Armies
- The Polish Historian on the Struggle and Failure of Dr. Itzhak Schwarzbart
- The Protectorate Government and the "Jewish Question" 1939-1941
- The Relations Between the Judenrat and the Jewish Police
- The Renewal of Jewish Life in France after the Holocaust
- The Renewal of Jewish Life in Poland after the Holocaust
- The Renewal of Life Among She'arit Hapleta - A Psychological View
- The Renewal of Life in the Jewish Community of Hungary and Its Problems
- The Rescue of Jews in the Italian Zone of Occupied Croatia
- The Restructuring of a Jewish Gemeinde into the “Prototype” of the Judenrat
- The Role Of Academics And Professionals in The Final Solution
- The Role of Antisemitism in the Expulsion of non-Aryan Students, 1933-1945
- The Role of European Jewry in the Plans of the Zionist Movement During World War II and in its Aftermath
- The Role of the Churches: Compliance and Confrontation
- The Survivors’ Absorption in Employment in Canada
- The Transfer Agreement and the Boycott Movement: A Jewish Dilemma on the Eve of the Holocaust
- The Zionist Aspect of Religious-Zionist Policy in Palestine in View of the Holocaust
- Thoughts of Professor Tomasz Strzembosz on Professors Gutman’s Diary
- Understanding the Vatican During the Nazi Period
- Weeping Without Tears
- Wehrmacht Propaganda Troops and the Jews
- Were These Ordinary Poles?
- Why Did So Many of the Jews in Antwerp Perish in the Holocaust?
- Women’s Experiences During the Holocaust – New Books in Print
- World War I - A Crossroads in the History of European Jewry
- Zionism from lack of Choice
- “Certificates” for Auschwitz
- “Operation Reinhard”: Extermintation Camps of Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka
- “Ordinary Life” in Extraordinary Times
- “Them” and “Us”: In Reply to Professor Tomasz Strzembosz
- “They Are Different People”: Holocaust Survivors as Reflected in the Fiction of the Generation of 1948
- “Working Towards the Führer”