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The Fate of Jewish Prisoners of War in the September 1939 Campaign

Dr. Shmuel Krakowski
  1. Szymon Datner, Zbrodnie Wehrmachtu na jencach wojennych w II wojnie swiatowej, Warsaw, 1961, pp. 201-211.
  2. Der Feldzug in Polen, Stuttgart, November 1939, p. 15.
  3. Andreas Hillgruber, Gerhard Huemmelden, Chronik des Zweiten Weltkrieges, Frankfurt am Main, 1966, p. 3.
  4. Okupacja i ruch oporu w dzienniku Hansa Franka 1939-1945, Vol. I,Warsaw, 1972, p. 512.
  5. The activity of the Occupation Authorities in Poland in the period 1.9.1939- 1.11.1940; approved by Minister Kot, February 4, 1941, copy in Yad Vashem Archives (hereafter — YVA), M-2/187.
  6. Kurt von Tippelskirch, Geschichte des Zweiten Weltkrieges, Bonn, 1956, p. 25.
  7. Nauczyciele w hitlerowskich obozach jencow podczas II wojny swiatowej, Warsaw, 1967, pp. 9-10.
  8. Mieczyslaw Norwid-Neugebauer, Kampania wrzesniowa w Polsce, London, 1941, p. 160.
  9. Witold Bieganski, "Najnowsze dzieje Polski 1939-1945," in Polscy, jency wojenni w Niemczech — Przyczynek do badan nad ilosciq jencow, Vol. 7, Warsaw, 1963, pp. 57-58.
  10. Czeslaw Madajczyk, Polityka Trzeciej Rzeszy w okupowane] Polsce, Vol. I, Warsaw, 1970, p. 29.
  11. News Bulletin, Representation of Polish Jewry, American Division, No. 4, October 1943, copy in YVA, M-2/567.
  12. From the summer of 1941 the Soviet POWs were also treated with cruelty and eventually most of them were murdered.
  13. Ringelblum Archives, copy in YVA, M-10/PH/11-2-2.
  14. Testimony of Marian Nasielski, YVA, 0-3/1184.
  15. Joseph Zelkowicz, "Milhama, Geto, Mahnot-Mavet ve-Hashmada," Wieruszow, Sefer Yizkor (Memorial Book), Tel Aviv, 1970, p. 288.
  16. Service Regulation for the Commandant of a "Main Prisoner of War Camp for Enlisted Men." Nuremberg Trial — Case XII, Document Reinecke, No. 62.
  17. Ringelblum Archives, ibid.
  18. Testimony of David Leiser, YVA, 0-3/2841.
  19. Testimony of Joseph Berger-Ezrahi, YVA, 0-3/447.
  20. Testimony of Shlomo Sztrajcher, YVA, 0-3/2118.
  21. Testimony of Joseph Reznik, YVA, 0-33/294.
  22. Testimony of Shlomo Gruber, YVA, 0-16/459.
  23. Testimony of Yerahmiel Szypacki, YVA, M-l/E-1581.
  24. Testimony of Moshe Alsiewicz, YVA, M-l/E-1434.
  25. Stanislaw Senft, Horst Wiecek, Obozy jenieckie na Obszarze Śląskiego Wehrmachtu 1939-1945, Wroclaw, 1972, pp. 13-14.
  26. Alsiewicz, ibid.; Ringelblum Archives, ibid.
  27. Aryeh-Leib Helfgot, "Iberlebungen fun a Veloner Krigsgefangenen," Sefer Zikaron le-Kehillat Wielun, Tel Aviv, 1971, pp. 380-384.
  28. Testimony of Abraham Obwarzanek, in Kehillat Konin bi-Prihatah u-be-Hurbanah, Tel Aviv, 1968, p. 579.
  29. Reznik, ibid.
  30. Testimony of Roman Fiszer, YVA, 0-3/2124.
  31. Testimony of Aryeh Helfgot, YVA, 0-3/2292.
  32. Testimony of Michal Finger, YVA, 0-16/25.
  33. See note 5, p. 212.
  34. Ringelblum Archives, ibid.
  35. Finger, ibid.
  36. Testimony of Pinkus Zyskind, YVA, 0-16/447.
  37. Testimony of Joseph Cynowiec, YVA, 0-3/3009.
  38. Obwarzanek, ibid.
  39. See note 5, p. 212.
  40. Cynowiec, ibid.
  41. Zyskind, ibid.
  42. Testimony of Szymon Suzan, YVA, 0-16/331.
  43. Mikotaj Caban, Powrot zza rzeki Styks, Warsaw, 1964, p. 84-86.
  44. Ringelblum Archives, ibid.
  45. Finger, ibid.
  46. Testimony of Nathan Pesse, in Sefer ha-Zikaron li-Kdoshei Biezun, Tel Aviv, 1956, p. 53.
  47. Ringelblum Archives, ibid.
  48. Testimony of Mendel Lipszyc, YVA, M-l/E-244; Alsiewicz, ibid.
  49. Ringelblum Archives, ibid.
  50. YVA, 0-3/3504.
  51. See note 5, p. 212.
  52. Lipszyc, ibid.
  53. See note 5, p. 212.
  54. Ringelblum Archives, M-10/BH/17-1-1.
  55. Testimony of Zeev Winawer, YVA, 0-3/1381.
  56. Anonymous testimony. The History of Wlodawa Jews in the Time of the Nazi Occupation, YVA, 0-33/49.
  57. Testimony of Aryeh Helfgot, YVA, 0-3/2181.
  58. Testimonies of Nachum Perelman, YVA, 0-3/1844; Helfgot, ibid.; Joseph Grosfeld, YVA, 0-33/53.
  59. Testimonies in YVA: Alsiewicz; Szypacki; Suzan; Izak Reznik, 0-16/382. Testimony of Berl Goldberg, in Pinkas Zetel (Memorial Book), Tel Aviv, 1957, p. 439.
  60. The Judenrat in Lublin, an account of its activity from 1.9.1939-31.8.1940. YVA, 0-6/9.
  61. For details see Shmuel Krakowski, Lehimah Yehudit be-Polin Neged ha-Nazim 1942-1944, Tel Aviv, 1977, pp. 80-95, 296-308.
  62. Testimony of Prof. Samuel Orlowski, YVA, 0-3/2936.
  63. Jozef Sohn-Sonecki, Bylem jencem Wehrmachtu, Warsaw, 1956, p. 81.
  64. Testimony of Zvi Menachemi (Henryk Bleder), YVA, 0-3/2934.
  65. Testimony of David Kindler, YVA, 0-3/2560.
  66. Testimony of Jacob Lewitin, YVA, 0-3/1856.
  67. W. Kowalczyk, S. Kotarski, et al., Nauczyciele w hitlerowskich obozach jericow podczas 11 wojny swiatowej, Warsaw, 1967, p. 29; Testimony of Marian Palenkier, YVA, 0-3/1287.
  68. Sohn-Sonecki, op. cit., p. 118.
  69. Ibid., p. 122.
  70. Palenkier, ibid.
  71. Jozef Bohatkiewicz, Oflag II C Waldenberg, Warsaw, 1971, p. 105.
  72. Jan Rzepecki, Wspomnienia i przyczynki history czne, Warsaw, 1956, pp. 300-301.
  73. Raphael Loc, Ba-Deyyota ha-Shlishit, Tel Aviv, 1976, pp. 65, 79.
  74. Sohn-Sonecki, op. cit., pp. 110-111.
  75. Testimony of Izak Sprecher, YVA, 0-3/820.
  76. YVA, M-2/117.
  77. Loc, ibid., p. 77.
  78. Ibid., pp. 77-84.
  79. Palenkier, ibid.
  80. Sprecher, ibid.
  81. Raphael Loc, "Katzin Yehudi-Polani ba-Shevi ha-Nazi," in Yalkut-Moreshet, 4, July 1965, pp. 88-92; Sprecher, ibid.
  82. Memories of Joseph Rode, YVA, 0-6/102, pp. 135-136.
  83. Ibid.
  84. Ba-Deyyota ha-Shlishit, pp. 94-99.
  85. Lists of POWs, YVA, M-2/116.
  86. Palenkier, ibid.; Ortowski, ibid.
  87. YVA, M-2/116.
  88. Testimonies in YVA: Beniamin Taustein, 0-16/126; Roman Stil, 0- 3/1402; Michael Baldinger, 0-3/2275; Henryk Reichman, M-2/435.
  89. YVA, M-2/72.
  90. Report on Jews in the Polish Army, YVA, M-2/136; Correspondence with survivors, YVA, M-2/421.
  91. Piotr Lossowski, "Internowanie zolnierzy polskich na Litwie w latach 1939- 1940," in Wojskowy Przeglqd Historyczny, No. 4, Warsaw, 1971, pp. 59-77.
  92. Testimony of Baruch Madanski, YVA, M-l/E-1792.
  93. See note 91.
  94. Facts and Documents concerning Polish Prisoners of War Captured by U.S.S.R. during the 1939 Campaign, February 1946, London, p. 15 (hereafter — Facts and Documents).
  95. Shmuel Avni, "Ba-Shevi ha-Russi u-ba-Tzava ha-Polani," in Sefer Zikaron le-Kehillat Rakow, Tel Aviv, 1959, pp. 158-163.
  96. Among those who were transferred to the Germans was Prof. Artur Ber, see his testimony, YVA, 0-3/1067; Testimony of a physician (J.B.), YVA, M-2/235; Testimony of Shlomo Sztokfisz, YVA, 0-3/2153.
  97. Facts and Documents, pp. 15-18.
  98. Testimony of Moshe Feldman, in Sefer Gniewoszow (Memorial Book), Tel Aviv, 1971, pp. 472-473; Avni, op. cit.
  99. Berlin, 1943, pp. 167-273.
  100. Joseph Mackiewicz, Wood Murders, London, 1951, p. 158.