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Sunday to Thursday: ‬09:00-17:00

Fridays and Holiday eves: ‬09:00-14:00

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The Meeting Between the Jewish Soldiers from Palestine Serving in the British Army and “She’erit Hapletah”

Yoav Gelber

  1. Yoav Gelber, Jewish Palestinian Volunteering in the British Army During the Second World War, Vol. III: The Standard Bearers — Rescue Mission to the Jewish People, Jerusalem, 1983.
  2. Archives (hereafter, LPA) 24/43.
  3. Minutes of Histadrut Executive Committee Secretariat meeting, December 12, 1943.
  4. Minutes of Mapai Central Committee meeting, May 3, 1943, LPA 24/43.
  5. Minutes of Jewish Agency Executive meeting, June 20, 1944.
  6. Ibid., minutes of Mapai Central Committee meeting, December 15, 1943, LPA; and see also minutes of Histadrut Actions Committee meeting, December 16, 1943.
  7. Speech of Ben-Gurion to the soldiers of the Brigade Third Battalion at Kiryat Motzkin, September 23, 1944, Central Zionist Archives (hereafter, CZA) S-25/6078.
  8. Minutes of Mapai Central Committee meeting, September 24, 1944, LPA 24/44.
  9. Summary, May 4, 1945, CZA S-25/6064.
  10. Letter to Shertok from "A Jewish Woman in the Homeland," May 8, 1945, CZA S- 25/6064.
  11. Minutes of Mapai Central Committee meeting, May 15, 1945, LPA 24/45.
  12. Diary of Haim Dan: From the Egyptian Desert to Munich (Hebrew), Tel Aviv, p 158, pp. 61-62.
  13. Remarks of Mordechai Hadash at a meeting of the battalion committees on the future of the Brigade, late May 1945, CZA S-25/6076.
  14. Grabovsky to Shertok, June 16, 1945, CZA S-25/6064.
  15. Haim Ben-Asher to Nehemiah (Ginzburg) and Alik (Shomroni), June 14, 1945, CZA S-25/6064.
  16. Results of the poll, conducted by the Jewish Information Office in Dachau, May 1945, CZA S-25/5233. Regarding a similar frame of mind at Buchenwald, see YIVO Archives, Joseph Schwartz Collection, Folder No. 1.
  17. Letter from the soldier Yosef Bentwich to his family in Nahalal, June 24, 1945, published in the Nahalal Memorial Book for Those Who Fell in the War of Independence (Hebrew), B. Habas, ed., "Those For Whom We Mourn," pp. 180-181.
  18. Letter from the survivor Hanna H., published in "Letter to the Recruit," August 15, 1945, pp. 20-22.
  19. Report of Ben-Zion Israeli, July 18, 1945, Haganah Historical Archives, 14/81, and his report at Mapai Central Committee meeting, July 24, 1945, LPA 24/45.
  20. Minutes of Mapai Central Committee meeting, August 10, 1945, LPA 24/45, and minutes of Mapai Central Committee meeting, August 14, 1945, LPA 23/45.