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Response of the Jewish Daily Press in Palestine to the Accession of Hitler, 1933

Benny Morris

  1. From remarks by Weizmann at the annual World Zionist Organization convention in London, November 21, 1932; see Chaim Weizmann, Diaspora and Palestine, Remarks (Hebrew), Vol. 4 (Tel Aviv: Mitspa, 1937) pp. 695-699.
  2. See Itamar Ben-Avi, At the Dawn of Our Independence, Memoirs—The Life of the First Hebrew Child (Hebrew) (Tel Aviv: Public Committee for Publication of the Writings of Itamar Ben-Avi, 1961), pp. 477-484.
  3. “Observations by G. Agronski on the Report by Mr. C. Bertrand Thompson,” September 1938, Central Zionist Archives (CZA), S25-2117.
  4. Shertok to Dr. Hexter, April 11, 1938, CZA, S25-2117. Maurice Hexter, an American Zionist, settled in Palestine in 1921, and represented the non-Zionists in the expanded Jewish Agency Executive.
  5. Ibid.
  6. Ibid.
  7. Shertok to Agronsky, May 25, 1937, CZA, S25–2117; see also Shertok to Agronsky, June 6, 1938, ibid.
  8. G. Agronsky, “Talk with Mr. Moody, Acting Chief Secretary, Thursday, September 29, 1938, at Government Offices” CZA, S25–2089. Agronsky evidently sent the report to Shertok in order to keep him informed.
  9. Glücksohn, “On the Agenda,” “End of the Emancipation in Germany,” Ha’aretz, June 28, 1932.
  10. See, for example, “After the Elections in Germany,” ibid., August 2, 1932.
  11. “Hitler’s failure,” ibid., November 11, 1932.
  12. "The Elections in Germany,” Davar, August 2, 1932.
  13. “Between Hitler and Schleicher,” ibid., August 24, 1932.
  14. See, for example, “What’s in Today’s Mail?,” Do’ar ha-Yom, July 25, 1932.
  15. “What’s in Today’s Mail?,” “The Hitler Victory,” ibid., August 2, 1932, p. 2; “What’s in Today’s Mail?,” ibid., November 8, 1932, “After the Elections” (whence the quotation).
  16. Itamar Ben-Avi, “Heading for a Hitlerite Germany,” ibid., August 3, 1932.
  17. “What Novelty Does Fascism Bring to the World?,” ibid., August 4, 1932, “What’s in Today’s Mail?,” “The Italian Ferment,” ibid., August 5, 1932.
  18. “What’s in Today’s Mail?,” “A Good Idea for Our Country,” ibid., November 11, 1932.
  19. “Germany and the Hitler Mind,” Palestine Post, December 2, 1932.
  20. “D’var ha-Yom,” Davar, February 1, 1933, p. 1. At that time, Davar editor Berl Katznelson wrote, “I cannot rid myself of the feeling that our people is in great danger and that our generation must rescue [the Jewish people].” Katznelson (Tel Aviv) to WIZO activist Miriam Zimmels (Vienna), February 8, 1933, Anita Shapira and Esther Reisen, eds., Letters of B. Katznelson, 1930–1937 (Hebrew) (Tel Aviv: Am Oved, 1984), p. 101.
  21. Signed by “Spectator,” Davar, March 17, 1933.
  22. “On the Agenda,” “Hitler’s Victory,” Ha’aretz, January 21, 1933.
  23. “Upon Hitler’s Rise to Power” (unsigned), February 1, 1933.
  24. “What’s in Today’s Mail?,” Do’ar ha-Yom, February 1, 1933.
  25. “From My Point of View,” column of Uri Kesari, ibid.
  26. “Jews of Germany Fear for Their Safety and Property,” ibid., February 3, 1933.
  27. “It Won’t Rise Unless Raised by the Lash,” Hazit Ha’am, second editorial, February 3, 1933.
  28. For example, “The New Repression of the Counterrevolution in Germany,” Davar, February 19, 1933, p. 2; “Hitler’s Regime and Antisemitism,” ibid., February 24, 1933.
  29. “Germany—the Decisive Point,” Do’ar ha-Yom, January 30, 1933.
  30. Ze’ev Jabotinsky, “Germany” (in two installments), ibid., February 22–23, 1933.
  31. “On the Agenda,” “From Era to Era,” Ha’aretz, March 7, 1933 (The following quotations are from the same article).
  32. “At the Threshold,” editorial, Davar, March 8, 1933.
  33. “Monitoring Our Attitude Toward Germany,” and “Editors’ Remark,” Ha’aretz, March 17, 1933 (The following quotations are from the same article).
  34. M. Beilinson, “I’ve Been Reading . . .,” Davar, March 13, 1933.
  35. Beilinson (Berlin) to Katznelson, undated, but from June 1933, Labor Party Archives, Beit Berl (LPA) Division 6, File 10.
  36. Minutes of Meeting of the Executive Committee, March 29, 1933, Lavon Institute, Labor Archives (LA), M/20. See also Ben-Gurion’s statements at a meeting of the Mapai Central Committee, Minutes of Central Committee Meeting, March 15, 1933, LPA, 2, 23/33.
  37. Berl Katznelson to Mapai Central Committee, April 20, 1933 (24 Nissan 5683), LPA, Division 6; Shapira and Reisen, eds, Letters of Berl Katznelson, 1933, pp. 1–24.
  38. “New Governments in Both France and Germany,” The Palestine Post, January 31, 1933, editorial.
  39. “The Dissolution of the Reichstag,” ibid., February 3, 1933, editorial.
  40. Secret memorandum from G. A. [Gershon Agronsky], March 24, 1937, CZA, S25–2089.
  41. “Hitlerism in the Abstract,” Palestine Post, editorial, February 5, 1933; see also critique of Hitler’s book, “Hitler and the Career of an Ideal,” ibid., February 19, 1938.
  42. Ibid., March 7, 1933.
  43. “Article XIX,” ibid., March 26, 1933.
  44. “The Disarmament Conference,” ibid., September 15, 1933, editorial.
  45. “Hitlerist Germany and the Jews,” ibid., March 30, 1933, editorial.
  46. “Germany and Jew-Baiting,” ibid., April 2, 1933, editorial.
  47. “Mildly Mad,” ibid., April 16, 1933, editorial.
  48. “The Church in England and the Jews of Germany,” ibid., July 11, 1933, editorial.
  49. “No Foul Play,” ibid., August 17, 1933, editorial.
  50. “What’s in Today’s Mail?,” “What’s Happening in Hitler’s Mind?” Do’ar ha-Yom, February 10, 1933; see also “What’s in Today’s Mail?,” “Heading for Peace or War?,” ibid., March 12, 1933.
  51. “Results of the Four-Power Pact,” ibid., August 16, 1933.
  52. “Political Writings,” “Hitler’s Ways,” ibid., August 31, 1933.
  53. Xenophon, “Political Writings,” Ha’aretz, April 5, 1933.
  54. “England and Hitler,” Davar, April 14, 1933.
  55. Ibid., March 13, 1933.
  56. At the Threshold,” “When an Entire Diaspora is Trampled,” ibid., March 24, 1933.
  57. Ibid., March 29, 1933.
  58. Minutes of Meeting of the Jewish Agency Executive, April 9, 1933, CZA, S100–14b.
  59. Minutes of Meeting [of senior Mapai officials] with Itzhak Gruenbaum, April 30, 1933, LPA, Division 2, 23/33.
  60. Glücksohn, “The Eighteenth Zionist Conference,” Part A, “The First Principled Clash, the Issue of Germany at the Congress,” Ha’aretz, September 1, 1933.
  61. Ibid.
  62. Ibid.
  63. “The German Jewry Issue in the Labor Faction,” Davar, August 25, 1933; lead article, ibid., September 1, 1933.
  64. “Resolutions of the Congress on the Situation in Germany,” ibid., September 1, 1933, p. 1; “The Eighteenth Zionist Congress in Prague Resolves to Demand League of Nations Assistance for German Jewry,” ibid., August 27, 1933, p. 1; see also Ha-‘Olam, newsletter of the Congress, August 27, 1933.
  65. Do’ar ha-Yom, July 19, 1933.
  66. M. K., “In the Aftermath of the Congress,” editorial, ibid., August 31, 1933.
  67. “I’ve Been Reading . . .,” Davar, March 28, 1933.
  68. “Hitlerist Germany and the Jews,” Palestine Post, March 30, 1933, editorial; “In the Vise of the Nazis,” ibid., April 10, 1933, editorial.
  69. Edwin Black, The Transfer Agreement, the Untold Story of the Secret Agreement between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine, (New York: Macmillan, 1984); Yfaat Weiss, “The Transfer Agreement and the Boycott Movement: a Jewish Dilemma,” Yad Vashem Studies, XXVI (1998), pp. 129–171; Yoav Gelber, “Zionist Policy and the Ha’avara Agreement, 1933– 1935,” A, (Hebrew) Yalkut Moreshet, 17 (January 1974), pp. 97-152.
  70. Minutes of Central Committee Meeting, June 15, 1933, LPA, Division 2, 23/33.
  71. Minutes of Meeting of the Histadrut Executive Committee, July 14, 1933, LA, 40/20.
  72. Glücksohn, “On the Agenda,” “On the Boycott Movement,” Ha’aretz, March 30, 1933.
  73. Do’ar ha-Yom, March 28, 1933.
  74. Itamar Ben-Avi, “Hear, O Hitler!,” ibid., March 29, 1933.
  75. E. Ben-Horin, “German Jewry, the General Council, and the Palestine Government,” ibid., April 3, 1933. Hazit ha-’Am declared its support of the boycott on May 5, Hazit ha-’Am, May 5, 1933.
  76. Beilinson to Katznelson, June 13, 1933, LPA, Division 6, File 10.
  77. In the matter of the Ha’avara, see Shaul Esch, “Ha-ha’avara,” in Shaul Esch, ed., Studies in Research on the Holocaust and Contemporary Jewry (Hebrew) (Jerusalem: Institute for Contemporary Jewry, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1973), pp. 33–106; Black, Transfer Agreement, passim; and Gelber, “Zionist Policy and the Ha’avara Agreement.”
  78. Gelber, ibid., pp. 98–99.
  79. Ibid., pp. 117.
  80. Esch, Ha-ha’avara, p. 64. The staff reshuffling at the newspaper took place on August 1–2, 1933.
  81. “I’ve Been Reading . . . ,” Davar, March 16, 1933.
  82. “At the Time of Holocaust for German Jewry,” by “Spectator,” ibid., March 17, 1933.
  83. Gelber, “Zionist Policy and the Ha’avara Agreement,” p. 31.
  84. Minutes of Meeting of the Histadrut Executive Committee, July 31, 1933, LA, 40/20.
  85. Gelber, “Zionist Policy and the Ha’avara Agreement,” pp. 130, 137.
  86. Davar, March 25, 1933.
  87. A small but boldfaced report, ibid., September 3, 1933.
  88. Quoted in Gelber, “Zionist Policy and the Ha’avara Agreement,” p. 129.
  89. Minutes of Meeting of the Political Committee of the Congress, Ninth Session, September 2, 1933, CZA, S25–10125.
  90. Meeting of the Histadrut Executive Committee, September 25, 1933, LA, 40/20; see also Gelber, “Zionist Policy and the Ha’avara Agreement,” p. 132.
  91. S. Samet, “Attack in Poland Against the Palestine-Germany Orange Contract,” interview with H. S. Wolkowicz by S. Samet, Ha’aretz, October 11, 1933.
  92. “What’s in Today’s Mail?,” Do’ar ha-Yom, March 1, 1933.
  93. Minutes of Meeting of the Jewish Agency Executive, April 14, 1933, CZA, S100–14b.
  94. Minutes of Meeting of the Jewish Agency Executive, April 19, 1933, ibid., S100–14b.
  95. Minutes of Consultation Among Members of the [Mapai] Central Committee, April 11, 1933, LPA, Division 2, 23/33.
  96. Minutes of Meeting of the Histadrut Executive Committee, March 9, 1933, April 12, 1933, LA, 40/20; see also remarks by Frumkin and Golomb, Meeting of the Histadrut Executive Committee, July 14, 1933, LA, 40/20.
  97. Minutes of Consultation Among Members of the [Mapai] Central Committee, April 11, 1933, LPA, Division 2, 23/33.
  98. Meeting of the Histadrut Executive Committee, July 14, 1933, LA, 40/20.
  99. Minutes of Central Committee Meeting, April 20, 1933, LPA, Division 2, 23/33.
  100. Minutes of Meeting of the Jewish Agency Executive, April 9, 1933, LPA, S100–14b; see also Minutes of Consultation Among Central Committee members, April 11, 1933, LPA, Division 2, 23/33; and Minutes of Meeting of the Histadrut Executive Committee, April 12, 1933, LA, 40/20.
  101. Minutes of Central Committee Meeting, June 15, 1933, LPA, Division 2, 23/33.
  102. Minutes of Central Committee Meeting, April 20, 1933, ibid.