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The Protectorate Government and the "Jewish Question" 1939-1941

Livia Rothkirchen

  1. This is a revised and expanded version of a paper delivered at an international conference in Ostrava in 1994; see "Motivy a zámĕr protektorátní vlády v řešení židovské otázky," in Ludmila Nesládková, ed., Nisko 1939/1940; The Case Nisko in the History of the Final Solution of the Jewish Problem," Proceedings, International Academic Conference (Nisko 1939/1940) (Ostrava: Facultas Philosophica Universitatis Ostraviensis, 1995), pp. 160-173. Smutný's text prepared in mid-1943 for the London Observer is printed in Milada Červínková, Libuše Otáhalová, eds., Dokumenty z historie čsl. politiky 1939-1943, Acta occupationis Bohemiae et Moraviae, (DHČP) (Prague: Academia, 1966), I, doc. 339, p. 412.
  2. Tomáš Pasák, Generál Alois Eliáš a odboj, Slovo k historii II, 27 (Prague: Melantrich, 1995); Robert Kvaček, Dušan Tomášek, Generál Alois Eliáš, Jeden český osud (Prague: Epocha, 1996); Dušan Tomášek, Robert Kvaček, Causa Emil Hácha ( Prague: Themis, 1995); for a milder judgement, see Tomáš Pasák, Judr. Emil Hácha 1938 – 1945 (Prague: Horizont, 1997).
  3. See Stanley Hoffmann, Decline or Renewal? France since the 1930s (New York: Viking Press, 1974), pp. 26-44.
  4. Ibid., pp. 30-31.
  5. Livia Rothkirchen, "The Slovak Enigma; A Reassessment of the Halt to the Deportations," East Central Europe, Vol.10, 1- 2 (1983), pp. 3, 13; for a somewhat different assessment of this issue, see Yeshayahu A. Jelinek, "The Calm Years" in Akiva Nir, ed., Aspects of the Holocaust of Slovakian Jewry (Hebrew) (Givat Chaviva, 1984), pp. 33-47.
  6. Denis Peschanski, "The Statutes on Jews, October 3, 1940 and June 2, 1941," in Yad Vashem Studies, 12 (XXII) (1992), pp. 65-88; Renée Poznanski, "The Jews of France and the Statutes on Jews," ibid., pp. 115-146.
  7. Pierre Laborie, "The Jewish Statutes in Vichy France and Public Opinion," ibid., pp. 89-114.
  8. Michael Marrus, "Coming to Terms with Vichy," in Holocaust and Genocide Studies, vol. 9, no. 1 (Spring 1995), pp.34-35; Serge Klarsfeld, Vichy-Auschwitz: Le role de Vichy dans la solution finale de la question juive en France, 1943-1944 (Paris: Fayard, 1985).
  9. Even some noted liberal journalists, among them Ferdinand Peroutka, the editor of Přítomnost, wrote several articles in an antisemitic vein, vexing the Jewish public. A kaleidoscope of the anti-Jewish excesses may be found in the "Bulletin of the Csl. League Against Antisemitism" - Věstník čsl. Ligy proti antisemitismu, published from 1937. The national chairman of this organization was Pastor Bohumil Vančura of the Church of Bohemian Brethren.
  10. The Minister of Interior's instruction of July 25, 1938 to the Presidium of the Provincial Administration, in the matter of the American Jewish Congress' complaint, May 5, 1938: Státní ústřední archiv Praze (Central State Archives), SÚA, MV,-207-1938-5.
  11. Ibid.
  12. J. M. Troutbeck, First Secretary of the British Legation in Prague to Foreign Secretary Lord Halifax, February 9, 1939, see Public Record Office, PRO No.63, C1868/568.
  13. Editorial in Věstník židovské obce náboženské v Praze, December, 20, 1938.
  14. Speech by Reinhard Heydrich on October 2, 1941, in Karel Fremund and Václav Král, eds., Lesson from History. Documents Concerning Nazi Policies, Germanisation and Extermination in Czechoslovakia (Prague: Orbis, 1962), doc. 19, p.118.
  15. Ibid., pp. 119-120.
  16. Miroslav Kárný, "Die Logik von München: Das Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren," in Dietrich Eichholtz and Kurt Pätzold, eds., Der Weg in den Krieg (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1989), pp. 305- 306.
  17. Jaroslava Eliášová - Tomáš Pasák, "Poznámky k Benešovým kontaktům s Eliášem ve druhé světové válce" in Historie a vojenství, No.1 (1967), pp. 108-140; Tomáš Pasák, "Činnost protektorátní ý časopis historický XVII, No.4 (1969), pp.553-representace na podzim roku 1939" in Československ 572.
  18. DHČP, II, doc. 364, Prague, 11. 10. 1939, p. 454.
  19. Ladislav Karel Feierabend, Politické vzpomínky 1-3 (Brno: Atlantis, 1994 – 1996).
  20. Already in early November 1938 the word spread in higher echelons that the Germans demand physical attacks against Jews. A report sent from Prague by J.M. Troutbeck, to Lord Halifax (November 15, 1938), refers to a "conversation between Count Kinsky and Robert J. Stopford." See PRO No. 397, C14 188/2475/ (Enclosure).
  21. "Die Juden würden bei uns vernichtet," Minutes of the conversation of January 21, 1939, see Akten zur deutschen auswärtigen Politik 1918-1945, Serie D (1937-1941), vol.IV (Baden-Baden: Imprimerie nationale, 1951), doc.158, pp.170-171.
  22. Kvaček-Tomášek, Generál Alois Eliáš, p.66.
  23. George F. Kennan, From Prague After Munich. Diplomatic Papers 1938-1940 (Princeton, NJ.: Princeton University Press, 1968). For an assessment of the author's invaluable contribution, see " Epilogue by Frederick G. Heymann," pp. 241-253.
  24. Břetislav Tvarůžek, "Okupace Čech a Moravy a vojenská správa (15. březen az 15. duben 1939)”; in Historie a vojenství, Časopis historického ústavu československé armády, XLI, No. 3 (1992), pp. 52- 53.
  25. Protokoll der Regierungssitzung vom 17.3.1939, Beschlüsse IV bis VIII (Beschränkung der Praxis der nichtarischen Ärzte, und Advokaten, Beseitigung der Nichtarier aus den Funktionen der einigen wirtschaftlichen Organisationen und aus allen leitenden Stellen in industriellen Unternehmen und Organisationen, die Bezeichung rein arischer Geschäfte), SÚA, sign. PMR, Box 4148; see Miroslav Kárný, "Vorgeschichte des Regierungverordnung über die Rechtsstellung der Juden im öffentlichen Leben," Judaica Bohemiae, XXX-XXXI (1996), p.109.
  26. Miroslav Kárný, "Die Judenfrage in der Nazistischen Okkupationspolitik," Historica XXI (1982), p.147.
  27. DHČP, II, doc. 365, p. 464.
  28. Originally it was Hitler who suggested to von Neurath "to leave the decision to the Czechs." See Burgsdorff "Judengesetze," minutes of May 2, 1939 in Miroslav Kárný, Jaroslava Milotová, Dagmar Moravcová, eds., Anatomie okupační politiky hitlerovského Nemecka v "Protektorátu Čechy a Morava.” Sborník k problematice dějin imperialismu, Vol. 21 (Prague: ČSAV, 1987), doc. 77, pp. 203-205.
  29. Cf. Beneš's message from London to Prague, May 11, 1940, Eliášová-Pasák, "Poznámky," p.123.
  30. Cf. Kárný, Milotová, Moravcová, eds., Anatomie, doc. 79-84, pp. 205-219.
  31. Verordnungsblatt des Reichsprotektors, No. 6,May 7, 1939.
  32. Kárný, "Vorgeschichte," pp. 110--111.
  33. DHČP, II, Janury 3, 1940, doc. 379 (enclosure), p. 500.
  34. "Sinn und Zweck der Gründung der Treuhandstelle im Rahmen der Erfassung des jüdischen Vermögens, der 15. März 1939." Yad Vashem Archives 07/1- 1, 151/156; DHČP, II, doc. 365, pp. 464-465.
  35. See "Dispatch of July 3, 1939, from Consul-General Linnell to the Department of State on General Conditions in Bohemia and Moravia," in Kennan, From Prague after Munich, pp.188-189.
  36. Wochenbericht der Jüdischen Kultusgemeinde in Prag, July 23-29, 7. 1939.
  37. See the report of Police Commissary Šebor, July 30.1939, SÚA, sign. PMR, 225-1323-1-8.
  38. Ibid., the report of Police Commissary Nečásek; full text of this report was printed (as doc. 3, pp. 174-175) in a selection of pertinent documents published by Otto D. Kulka, "Towards an Understanding of the SD’s Jewish Policy in the First Occupied Countries” (Hebrew) in Yalkut Moreshet, No.18 (November 1974), pp. 163-184.
  39. Kárný, "Judenfrage," p. 147.
  40. Heinrich Himmler, Geheimreden 1933 bis 1945 und andere Ansprächen, eds., Bradley F. Smith, Agnes F. Peterson (Frankfurt a. M., Wien: Propyläen Verlag, 1974), pp.128-129.
  41. See Nisko 1939/1940; see also Mečislav Borák, Transport do tmy; První deportace evropských Židů (Ostrava, 1994).
  42. See indictment of Alois Eliáš, Nuremberg Document, NG-081; indictment of Zdeněk Schmoranz, NG-699.41.
  43. For the autumn arrests see Detlef Brandes, Die Tschechen unter deutschem Protektorat, I-II ( München und Wien: R. Oldenbourg, 1969), I, p. 98.
  44. DHČP, I, doc. 376, December 8, 1939, pp.493-494.
  45. For an analysis see Tomáš Pasák, "Aktivističtí novináři a postoj gen. Eliáše v roce 1941" in Československy časopis historický, XV, No.2 ( 1967), fn. 6, p.175.
  46. SS-Obersturmbannführer Dr. Hans Ullrich Geschke, head of the Gestapo in Prague had been collecting discriminating evidence on Eliáš as of autumn 1939. Pasák, ibid., p.174; Kvaček-Tomášek, Generál Alois Eliáš, p.53.
  47. Cf. Kárny, Milotová, Moravcová, eds., Anatomie, doc. 84, p. 218.
  48. Communication of the office of the NSDAP to the Reich Protector (4.7.1939), see Miroslav Kárný, "Konečné řešení.” Genocida českých židů v nĕmecké protektorátní politice (Prague: Academia, 1991), p.58.
  49. Hácha's response to von Neurath, 19.7. 1940, see SÚA, sign. ÚŘP, I- 3b-5801, box 388.
  50. Comments to the government draft proposal, July 4,1939, SÚA, sign. PMR S, 1590/7-1040, vol.1, box 589.
  51. State Under Secretary von Burgsdorff to Premier Eliáš, Janury 14, 1941, SÚA, PMR-S, 1590/7-1040, vol. I, box 589.
  52. Tomášek-Kvaček, Causa Emil Hácha, p. 100.
  53. On behalf of the Reich Protector Dr. Walter Fuchs wrote the definite answer to Acting Prime Minister Krejčí, dated October 4,1941; SÚA, PMR-S, 1590/7 1941, vol. 2, box 594.
  54. DHČP, I, July 7, 1940, doc. 404, p.544.
  55. Pasák, Generál Alois Eliáš, pp. 9-10; Kvaček- Tomášek, General Alois Eliáš, pp.62, 71.
  56. Monatsbericht Juli 1940, Sicherheitsdienst RFSS, SD-Leitabschnitt Prag, SÚA, ÚŘP-d, box 32.
  57. The offer was made through Siegmund Amarant, during Beneš's stay in Paris. See Walter Jacobi, Zemĕ zaslíbená (Prague: Orbis,1943), pp. 9-11.
  58. Ibid.
  59. Minutes of the cabinet session, October 24, 1940, SÚA, PMR, box 4155.
  60. Eliáš to Frank, April 3,1941, SÚA, ÚŘP, I-36-5880, box 390.
  61. Ernst von Weizsäcker on March 27, 1940 claimed that Eliáš heads the clandestine organization. SÚA, AA, 489807-489810, box 32a.
  62. See Pasák, Generál Alois Eliáš, pp. 9-10; Kvaček - Tomášek, Generál Alois Eliáš, p. 70.
  63. DHČP, II, February-March, doc. 383, pp. 510-511. See also, David Kelly, The Czech Fascist Movement 1922-1942, especially chapter, "The Unwanted Collaborators" (New York: Columbia University Press, 1995), pp.168-175.
  64. Message to Prague, May 11,1940, see Eliášová-Pasák, "Poznámky," pp.122-123; DHČP, II,June 3, 1941, doc. 444, p.609.
  65. DHČP, II, June 24, 1941, doc. 447, p.614; see also Beneš's explanations to Smutný of June 25,1941, why Hácha and Eliáš should resign, DHČP, II, doc. 448, p. 615.
  66. As of fall 1941 Hácha's stance vis-à-vis the London Government became rude and venomous. In one of his notorious proclamations he referred to Beneš's Jewish milieu thus: "...while under the genial command of the Führer the new European Order is being construed, the former President Beneš in London, obviously influenced by his Jewish milieu is heralding the lost case of the Reich's enemies." See DHČP, II, 4. 12. 1941, doc. 469, pp.644-645.
  67. For Beneš's message to Hácha and Eliáš of July 26, 1941, see Eliášová-Pasák, "Poznámky," pp.138- 139.
  68. Eliáš's last message from Prague, August 7, 1941, ibid., p.140.
  69. Pasák, Generál Alois Eliáš, p. 27.
  70. Eliášová-Pasák, "Poznámky," pp.112-114.
  71. Livia Rothkirchen, "The Defiant Few: Jews and the Czech Inside Front 1938 - 1942," in Yad Vashem Studies, XIV (1981), pp.54, 72-73.
  72. Eliášová -Pasák, "Poznámky," p.114.
  73. Pasák, Generál Alois Eliáš, pp.25-26.
  74. For Heydrich's cable to Himmler of September 27, 1941, announcing the arrest of General Eliáš, see Miroslav Kárný, Jaroslava Milotová, Margita Kárná, eds., Deutsche Politik im "Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren" unter Reinhard Heydrich 1941-1942, Eine Dokumentation (Berlin: Metropol, 1997), doc. 12, p. 94.
  75. Heydrich's cable to Bormann regarding the trial of Eliáš, October 1, 1941, see Deutsche Politik im Protektorat, doc. 20, pp. 102-106.
  76. Helmut Heiber, "Zur Justitz im Dritten Reich: Der Fall Elias," in Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte 3 (1955), pp.275-296.
  77. Notes of a meeting about future plans in the Protectorate chaired by Heydrich, October 17, 1941, Deutsche Politik im Protektorat, doc. 33, pp. 147-157.
  78. During his trial at the People's Court in Prague in 1946, Karl H. Frank admitted that he threatened to kill 20,000 Czechs in case Eliáš would not issue his proclamation. See Český národ soudí K . H. Franka (Prag: Orbis, 1947), p. 90.
  79. Pasák, Generál Alois Eliáš, p. 37.
  80. See Nuremberg Document NG-147, "Abschrift des Urteils des Volksgerichtes vom 1. Oktober 1941," p. 25.
  81. Eliášová - Pasák, "Poznámky," pp.112-113.
  82. Heydrich's letter to Hácha, referring to Bořek-Dohalský's last meeting with Premer Eliás, DHČP, II, November 15, 1941, doc.464, p. 640.
  83. Jaroslav Drábek, Z časů dobrých a zlých (Prague: Vojenské nakladatelství, 1992), p. 91.
  84. For the list of persons executed during the first state of emergency, see Zlatuše Kukánová,"Seznam osob popravených za prvního stanného práva ve dnech 28. září až do 28. listopadu 1941," in Pražský sborník historický, XVIII (1985), pp. 98-126; Miroslav Ivanov, The Assassination of Heydrich, 27 May 1942 (London: Hart Davis, MacGibon, 1973), pp. 206-213.
  85. For an exchange of letters see Deutsche Politik im Protektorat, doc. 24 and 44, pp. 128-129, 174.
  86. Ibid., Heydrich's report to Bormann about the situation in the Protectorate, November 16, 1941, doc. 51, p. 189.
  87. Heydrich’s secret talk of February 4, Cestmir Amort, Heydrichiada. Documenty (Prague: Vojenske nakladatelstvi, 1964), pp.126-147; cf. Brandes, Die Tschechen, pp. 217 – 219; The last report about the situation in the Protectorate, sent by Heydrich to Bormann, May 18, 1942 (instructions for the reeducation of the Czech youth), Deutsche Politik im Protektorat, doc. 98, pp. 266-268.
  88. For a list of persons executed on charges of harboring Jews, see Heroes and Victims, Preface by Jan Masaryk, Czechoslovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Information Service (London: Lincolas-Prager, 1945).
  89. For a survey of historiography during the Communist era, see Livia Rothkirchen, "Czechoslovakia," in David S. Wyman, ed., The World Reacts to the Holocaust (Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996), pp. 172-193.
  90. Livia Rothkirchen, "The Czechoslovak Government-in-Exile: Jewish and Palestinian Aspects in the Light of Documents," in Yad Vashem Studies, IX (1973), p. 162.
  91. Ibid., p.194.
  92. See Rothkirchen, "The Defiant Few," pp. 57-63.
  93. See message from Prague, sent by Antonín Brabec via Ankara, to the Czechoslovak Governmentin-Exile in London, August 10, 1943, DHČP, II, doc. 518, p. 721; also Livia Rothkirchen, "Czech Attitudes toward the Jews during the Nazi Regime," in Yad Vashem Studies, XIII (1979), pp. 316-319.
  94. Karel Kaplan, Dva retribuční procesy; komentované dokumenty 1946-1947 ( Prague: ČAV, 1992); see also Vilém Prečan, V kradeném čase, Výběr ze studií, článků a úvah z let 1973-1993 (Prague: ČAV , 1994), pp. 31-33; Mečislav Borák, Spravedlnost podle dekretu, Retribučni soudnictví v ČSR a Mimořadný lidovy soud v Ostrave (1945 – 1948) (Ostrava: Tilia, 1998).
  95. Český národ soudí K . H . Franka; Mimořádný Lidový soud, Litoměřice, SOAL, sign. LS 86/48.
  96. This view is based on the monthly secret police reports in the fatal year of 1941. More recently two articles dealt with the issue on the basis of German secret police reports (Meldungen) and the press: 1) Helena Krejčová, Anna Hydráková, " Postoj Čechůk Židům; z politického zpravodajství okupačni správy a protektorátního tisku," in Soudobé dějiny 4/95 (1995), pp. 578-608; 2) Jaroslava Milotová," Die Protektoratspresse und die 'Judenfrage'," Miroslav Kárný, Raimund Kempe und Margita Kárná, eds., Theresienstädter Studien und Dokumente, 1996 ( Prague: Academia, 1996), pp. 153-183.
  97. The question of passivity and indifference was first given attention in the novel of Josef Škvorecký, Zbabělci (The Cowards), published in 1958. However, it was Jan Tesař's seminal study that brought into focus the issue of collaboration. See Jan Tesař, "K problému nacistické okupační politiky v Protektorátě v r. 1939" in Historie a vojenství, No.1 (1969), p. 75; idem, "Vlastenci a bojovníci," in Listy, II, No. 6, 24. 4. 1969.
  98. Kurt Wehle, "The Jews in Bohemia and Moravia 1945-1948," in Avigdor Dagan, Gertrude Hirschler, Lewis Weiner, eds., The Jews of Czechoslovakia, Historical Studies and Surveys, Vol.III (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1984), p.512.
  99. For Dr. Jaroslav Drábek's speech see Český národ soudí K . H .Franka, p. 137.
  100. Notes of the author on views exchanged with Dr. J.W.Bruegel (London, 1964) and Dr. Kurt Wehle (New York, 1966).
  101. See Reinhard Heydrich to Reichsleiter Bormann, Prag, January 22, 1942; Heydrich’s secret talk of February 4, 1942, Amort, Heydrichiada; cf. Brandes, Die Tschechen, pp. 217 – 219.
  102. Kennan, From Prague after Munich, pp.117-118.
  103. Eliášová - Pasák, Poznámky, pp.110-114.
  104. For the list of "prominents" and other documentation printed in Anna Hyndráková, Helena Krejčová, Jana Svobodová, eds., Prominenti v ghettu Terezín 1942-1945, Dokumenty ( Prague: ČAV, 1996).
  105. Minutes of the talks at Heydrich's office in Prague about "the Final Solution of the Jewish Question in the Protectorate," October 10, 1941, see Deutsche Politik im Protektorat, doc. 29, p.138.
  106. For a seminal view of French scholars regarding Hitler's global, post-war aims in "New Europe," see, Jean-Pierre Azema and Francois Bedarida, eds., La regime de Vichy et les Français ( Paris: Fayard, 1992), pp. 57-67.