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The Relations Between the Judenrat and the Jewish Police

Aharon Weiss

  1. Piotrkov Tribunalski ve-ha-Sevivah, Sefer Zikaron, ed. Y. Malts, N. Lau, Tel Aviv, '1965, p. 789.
  2. A. Weiss, "Ha-Mishtarah ha-Yehudit ba-General Gouvernement u-ve-Shlezyath Ilit biTekufat ha-Sho'ah," Ph.D. Dissertation, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1973; particularly the chapter: "Ha-Yahasim beyn ha-Judenrat la-Mishtarah ha-Yehudit," pp. 291-344.
  3. Sefer Skiernievits, ed. Y. Perlov, Tel Aviv, 1955, p. 586.
  4. Ibid., pp. 587, 591; Testimony of Z. Drzewicki, Archives of Beit Lohamei ha-Getaot, no. 788, p. 6.
  5. Kehilat Zarki, ed. Y. Lador, Tel Aviv, 1959, pp. 114-116; A. Brandeis, Kez ha-Yehudim beMa'arav Polin, Merhavia, 1945, pp. 11-112.
  6. Sefer Oziran ve-ha-Svivah, ed. M. A. Tennenblatt, Jerusalem-Tel Aviv, 1968, pp. 236, 314, 487.
  7. Testimony of M. Naider, private file of the Association of Kolomyja Jews, Tel Aviv.
  8. G. Taffet, Zaglada Zydow zolkiewskich ("The Destruction of Zolkiew Jewry"), Lodz, 1946, pp. 21, 35, 43.
  9. Rada Starszych, Rocznik Statystyczny ("Jewish Council Annual Statistical Report"), Yad Vashem Archives (hereafter: YVA), 0-6/8, Tom I, p. 42; B. Orenstein, Hurbn Chenstohov, Muenchen, 1948, p. 57.
  10. Sefer Zikaron Kehilot Vadovits, Andrychov, Kalvaria, Mishlenits, Sucha, ed. D. Jakubowicz, Tel Aviv, 1967, p. 295.
  11. Sefer Biala Podlaska, ed. M.Y. Feigenboim, Tel Aviv, 1961, pp. 22-23.
  12. Ibid., pp. 21, 39.
  13. The subject of the Jewish Police in Warsaw and the relations between the Judenrat and the Police in this city are described, with sources, in: Weiss, op. cit., pp. 40-145.
  14. B. Orenstein, "Der Umkum fun Otvotzker, Falenitzer un Kartshever Yidntum," Ybergang, Muenchen, July 20, 1948, 4. Testimony of Z. Perehodnik, YVA, 0-33/426, p. 48.
  15. Sefer Sants, ed. R. Mahler, Tel Aviv, 1970, p. 811; Trial of H. Hamann, YVA, TR-10/586, p. 296.
  16. Radom (Sefer Yizkor), ed. A.S. Stein, Tel Aviv, 1961, p. 254. See also the study by Weiss, op. cit., pp. 187-195.
  17. I. Ringelblum, Ksovim fun Geto, Varshe, Band II, 1963, pp. 230-231.
  18. Weiss, op. cit., pp. 281-290.
  19. Yoman ha-Mishtarah ha-Yehudit, YVA, JM/2627.
  20. Weiss, op. cit., pp. 291-334.
  21. See N. Blumenttal, Y. Kermish, Ha-Meri ve-ha-Mered be-Getto Varshah, Jerusalem, 1965, p. 116.
  22. Sefer Zikaron Kehillot Vadovits, Andrychov, Kalvaria, Mishlenits, Sucha, p. 187.
  23. A. Mayerovitch, Min ha-Dlekah ha-Hih, Tel Aviv, 1961, p. 26.
  24. Sefer Stashov, ed. A. Ehrlich, Tel Aviv, 1962, p. 369.
  25. Sefer Stashov, p. 418.
  26. Ibid., p 422.
  27. Hurbn Bilgoraj, ed. A. Kranenberg, Tel Aviv, 1956, p. 303.
  28. Ibid., p 292.
  29. T. Zaderecki, "Gdy swastyka Lwowem wladala," ("When the Swastika Ruled Lwow"), YVA, 0-6/28, p. 121.
  30. Sefer Zikaron Loshitse, ed. M. Shenar, Tel Aviv, 1963, pp. 250, 260-261.
  31. Sefer Parysov, ed. Y. Granatstein, Tel Aviv, 1971. p 350.
  32. Testimony of S. Watwan, YVA, 0-16/588, p. 1. Sefer Chenstachova, ed. M. Shwatzman, Vol. II, Jerusalem-Tel Aviv, 1968, pp. 283-284.
  33. Sefer Yizkor - Hurbanah u-Gevuratah shell ha-Ayah Markushov, ed. D. Stockfisz, Tel Aviv, 1955, pp. 206, 355-356.