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Visiting Info
Opening Hours:

Sunday to Thursday: ‬09:00-17:00

Fridays and Holiday eves: ‬09:00-14:00

Yad Vashem is closed on Saturdays and all Jewish Holidays.

Entrance to the Holocaust History Museum is not permitted for children under the age of 10. Babies in strollers or carriers will not be permitted to enter.

Drive to Yad Vashem:
For more Visiting Information

Interview with Dr. Götz Aly, German Historian and Journalist

“The Uneasy Closeness to Ourselves”

Asaf Tal, Kathryn Berman
  1. Götz Aly, Cleansing the Fatherland: Nazi Medicine and Racial Hygiene, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994.
  2. Götz Aly, Hitler's Beneficiaries: Plunder, Racial War, and the Nazi Welfare State, Metropolitan Books, 2007.
  3. The obedience experiment performed by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram was a series of social psychology experiments, examining the willingness of study participants to obey an authority figure who ordered them to perform acts that conflicted with their personal conscience. Milgram created the film Obedience, portraying the experiments and the findings. Most participants chose to act against their conscience and followed the instructors' orders.
  4. Daniel J. Goldhagen, Hitler’s Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust, Vintage, 1997.
  5. American Prof. Christopher Browning, Holocaust historian.
  6. The mass killing of the disabled in Nazi Germany.