In the notebook donated to Yad Vashem by Nachman Scheinowitz are summaries of the Jewish studies lessons that took place over three months during 1943, in the Westerbork camp, the Netherlands. Each lesson summary in the notebook was written by a different pupil. For example, the lesson on 13 March 1943 was taught by Werner Elfeld on the subject: "The Children of Israel's Invasion of Canaan and the Wars against the Nations Living There."
Sixteen-year-old Nachman and his family came to Holland as refugees from Leipzig, Germany and were deported to the Westerbork camp. Nachman's father Zelig was a baker, and as he was considered an "essential" worker, he and his family were not deported to the death camps.
Yad Vashem Artifacts Collection
Donated by Nachman Scheinowitz, Petach Tikva, Israel