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Opening Hours:

Sunday to Thursday: ‬09:00-17:00

Fridays and Holiday eves: ‬09:00-14:00

Yad Vashem is closed on Saturdays and all Jewish Holidays.

Entrance to the Holocaust History Museum is not permitted for children under the age of 10. Babies in strollers or carriers will not be permitted to enter.

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The “Tehran Children” and the Jewish Soldiers in "Anders’ Army”

When World War II broke out, some 300,000 Jews fled east from Poland to the interior of the Soviet Union. The refugees who refused to accept Soviet citizenship were deported, along with thousands of non-Jewish Polish citizens, to Siberia where they were held in Soviet work camps. In the period before the German invasion of the Soviet Union in the summer of 1941, over half of the deportees died as a result of the harsh conditions of disease, starvation and cold.

After the signing of an agreement between the Polish Government-in-Exile and the Soviet government in July 1941, tens of thousands of Polish refugees in the Soviet Union were allowed to join the Polish forces led by General Anders. Although there was opposition to allowing Jews to enlist, many were able to join, particularly doctors or those with occupations required by the army. The families of the recruits migrated with the army via the Caspian Sea to Persia (Iran), then under British Army authority. Some of the units were sent via Eretz Israel to Italy to join with units fighting under British command at the front.

As part of this migration approximately 1,800 Jews arrived in Tehran, among them some 1,000 children. Many of these children were orphans, having lost their parents during the long and arduous trail through the Soviet Union. In Tehran, adult Jewish refugees set up an orphanage with the help of the local Jewish community, and emissaries from Eretz Israel took charge of managing the project.

By January 1943, the Jewish Agency had procured a ship and immigration permits from the British Mandate authorities, so the children and their escorts traveled to Karachi, India (today Pakistan) and sailed from there to Suez in Egypt. On February 18, 1943 the “Tehran Children” traveled by train to Atlit and their long journey to Eretz Israel was finally over.

The teddy bear “Mishu”

Teddy-bear that Stella Knobel took with her when her family fled Krakow

Stella Knobel, born in Krakow in 1931, received the teddy bear as a gift for her seventh birthday from her father Marton, a medical officer in the Polish army.
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Knitted scarf that Feliks Goldwag (Davidson) received from his father David Goldwag when they parted

Woolen scarf that Feliks Goldwag received from his father before escaping from occupied Warsaw

Feliks Goldwag was born in Warsaw in 1918 to David and Ydesa Goldwag. He had two sisters, Esther and Guta, and a brother Heniek.
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A book of Psalms that Tzvi Ginzburg received as a soldier in Anders’ Army

“Tehillim” (Psalms) Belonging to Tzvi Ginzburg who Joined Anders’ Army

Tzvi Ginzburg (Tzvi Ben Yehuda) was born in Lodz, Poland in 1911. At the beginning of the war Tzvi was mobilized and stationed in Lithuania. When the forces fell into disarray, he remained in Lithuania where he met Rivka, a young woman from a local Jewish family, and the two married. When Germany attacked the Soviet Union and occupied Lithuania in the summer of 1941, Tzvi and Rivka fled into Soviet territory.
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Drawing of the grave of baby Rose Brand

A Drawing of the Grave of Baby Rose Brand

Romek-Reuven Brand was born in 1908 in Ozorkow, Poland. With the outbreak of war in 1939, Reuven and his two sisters fled to Russia on horseback, riding through Warsaw to Brisk. From there, the Soviet authorities deported the three to the interior of the Soviet Union. Along the way Reuven met Tola Fuerstental, who made a similar journey with her family, and the two married.
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Medals Belonging to Julian Czerwonogora who Served in the Anders Army

Medals Belonging to Julian Czerwonogora who Served in the Anders Army

Julian (Joel) Czerwonogora was born in the town of Wiszkow, Poland in 1907. He joined Anders’ Army during World War II and came to Eretz Israel as a soldier. His brigade, the 1st Polish Independent Parachute Brigade fought under British Army command during the Allied invasion of Normandy. For his service in the field ambulance unit he received various medals, ribbons and badges that have been donated to Yad Vashem.
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Barber tools that Joseph Top took with him when he fled Poland with his family to Soviet territory

Barber tools Joseph Top took when fleeing Poland for the USSR during the Holocaust

Joseph Top was born in the town of Nowy Dwor, Poland in 1907. He married Rivka née Spektor and the couple lived in Pruszkow on the outskirts of Warsaw. The couple had two sons, Hirsch and Meir, and Joseph made a living as a barber.
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The Doll “Lala” (“Ilana”) that Vera Lifschitz Received in the Transit Camp in Karachi, India (today Pakistan)

The Doll “Lala” (“Ilana”) that Vera Lifschitz Received in the Transit Camp in Karachi, India (today Pakistan)

With the outbreak of war, Chaim and Regina Lifschitz fled east from their home in Bielsko, Poland to the vicinity of Lvov, then under Soviet control. Their daughter Vera was born in Lvov in May 1940. When she was barely three weeks old the family was deported to Siberia on a month-long train journey. The Lifschitz family arrived in Aldan in eastern Siberia where they were housed in huts outside the town. Only thanks to their own resourcefulness did they survive the harsh conditions.
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The travel diary inscribed by the companions of Yitzhak-Frantisek Levi who made the long trek with him to Eretz Israel in 1942-1943 as the “Tehran Children”

Yitzhak-Frantisek Levi’s Travel Diary

Yitzhak-Frantisek Levi was born in 1928 in Breslau, Germany (today Wroclaw, Poland). His father Adolf died before Yitzhak’s birth, and his mother Anna Levi née Kreuberg moved with her baby son to Katowice, and from there to Oswiecim in Poland.
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