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Opening Hours:

Sunday to Thursday: ‬09:00-17:00

Fridays and Holiday eves: ‬09:00-14:00

Yad Vashem is closed on Saturdays and all Jewish Holidays.

Entrance to the Holocaust History Museum is not permitted for children under the age of 10. Babies in strollers or carriers will not be permitted to enter.

Drive to Yad Vashem:
For more Visiting Information

Bookend made by Max de Jonge in hiding in the Netherlands

Jakob de Jonge, his wife Jeanette, and their children Ruth, Heinrich and Joachim-Max, lived in Weener, Germany close to the border with Holland. Early during the Nazi regime, Jakob was imprisoned on false charges pressed against him by a Nazi sympathizer with whom he had previously had a business dispute. When he was released, but not allowed to remain in the vicinity, he and his family relocated and after Kristallnacht, they crossed the border into Leeuwarden in northern Holland.

A bookend decorated with the colors of the Dutch flag and orange lions – symbols of the Dutch monarchy
A bookend decorated with the colors of the Dutch flag and orange lions – symbols of the Dutch monarchy

A bookend decorated with the colors of the Dutch flag and orange lions – symbols of the Dutch monarchy
Joachim-Max de Jonge, ca. 1944
Joachim-Max de Jonge, ca. 1944

Joachim-Max de Jonge, ca. 1944
Joachim-Max de Jonge with his class during the war. Note the yellow stars on the Jewish students’ shirts. Max is in the fourth row from the front, third from the left.
Joachim-Max de Jonge with his class during the war. Note the yellow stars on the Jewish students’ shirts. Max is in the fourth row from the front, third from the left.

Joachim-Max de Jonge with his class during the war. Note the yellow stars on the Jewish students’ shirts. Max is in the fourth row from the front, third from the left.
The de Jonge family in hiding in the attic of the Nooitgedagt home
The de Jonge family in hiding in the attic of the Nooitgedagt home

The de Jonge family in hiding in the attic of the Nooitgedagt home
The workshop in the attic. From the left: Jakob. Behind his left shoulder is the edge of the table now in the collection at Yad Vashem. Joachim-Max is holding the model plane.
The workshop in the attic. From the left: Jakob. Behind his left shoulder is the edge of the table now in the collection at Yad Vashem. Joachim-Max is holding the model plane.

The workshop in the attic. From the left: Jakob. Behind his left shoulder is the edge of the table now in the collection at Yad Vashem. Joachim-Max is holding the model plane.
After liberation in 1945. The Nooitgedagt and de Jonge families with three additional Jewish hidden children.
After liberation in 1945. The Nooitgedagt and de Jonge families with three additional Jewish hidden children.

After liberation in 1945. The Nooitgedagt and de Jonge families with three additional Jewish hidden children.
The carpenter’s table that served the de Jonge family in the attic
The carpenter’s table that served the de Jonge family in the attic

The carpenter’s table that served the de Jonge family in the attic
Lamp with a wooden back decorated with the lion – symbol of the Dutch monarchy
Lamp with a wooden back decorated with the lion – symbol of the Dutch monarchy

Lamp with a wooden back decorated with the lion – symbol of the Dutch monarchy
Wooden truck and trailer
Wooden truck and trailer

Wooden truck and trailer
Ladder with mouse toy/game
Ladder with mouse toy/game

Ladder with mouse toy/game
Wooden Box with the orange lion
Wooden Box with the orange lion

Wooden Box with the orange lion
Cigarette and matches holder
Cigarette and matches holder

Cigarette and matches holder