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Opening Hours:

Sunday to Thursday: ‬09:00-17:00

Fridays and Holiday eves: ‬09:00-14:00

Yad Vashem is closed on Saturdays and all Jewish Holidays.

Entrance to the Holocaust History Museum is not permitted for children under the age of 10. Babies in strollers or carriers will not be permitted to enter.

Drive to Yad Vashem:
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The Liquidation of the Šiauliai Ghetto

In January 1943 a total of 4,836 Jews remained in the two sections of the Siauliai ghetto. As many men had already been murdered and two-thirds of the ghetto’s population were women. 236 people were above the age of 61.

In the summer of 1943 the situation of the Jews of Šiauliai took a turn for the worse. The number of guards at the ghetto’s gates was increased, and Jews caught smuggling food were imprisoned. At least one Jew was publically hanged. In September 1943 the Šiauliai ghetto came under the jurisdiction of the SS, and SS guards joined the Lithuanians posted around the perimeter. The ghetto was now renamed as the “Siauliai Concentration Camp”. Most of the authority of the Jewish committee was taken away. By October 1943 most of the ghetto’s Jews had been transferred to six new labor camps, which had just been established. The “Kaukazas ghetto” was emptied of its residents and ceased to exist.