Gerechte unter den Völkern-Abteilung
Yad Vashem
POB 3477
Israel, 9103401
Tel. 972-2-6443525
Fax. 972-2-6443743
Sonntag bis Donnerstag: 9.00-17.00 Uhr
Freitags und an den Abenden vor einem Feiertag: 9.00-14.00 Uhr
Yad Vashem ist an Samstagen und jüdischen Feiertagen geschlossen.
The good news:
The Yad Vashem website had recently undergone a major upgrade!
The less good news:
The page you are looking for has apparently been moved.
We are therefore redirecting you to what we hope will be a useful landing page.
For any questions/clarifications/problems, please contact:
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