Patrons of the Mount of Remembrance
- Dr. Miriam & Sheldon G. z"l Adelson, The Adelson Family Foundation
- The Estate of Bernard Aptaker z”l, USA
- Audrey & Zygmunt Wilf, USA
- Beth & Lenny Wilf, USA
- Carmel and Edo Josef
- Dana & Yossie Hollander, Israel
- David & Fela Shapell z"l Family, USA
- Elizabeth & Joseph z"l Wilf, USA
- Jane & Mark Wilf, USA
- Judith & Harry Wilf z"l Family, USA
- Martin & Ilana Moshal
- Nadav Hollander, Israel
- The Wilf Family Foundation, USA
- Dr Moshe and Anna Kantor, Israel
- Franz Karl Hess z"l, Switzerland
- Marilyn & Barry Rubenstein and Family, USA
- Maxi Librati z"l, France
- Miles S. Nadal and Family, Canada
- Steven Baral, USA
- The Aponte Family, Switzerland
- The Estate of Fred Hillman z"l, USA
- The Estate of Lottie Salton, USA
- The Gerald Schwartz and Heather Reisman Foundation, Canada
- The Harriett Muller-Egan Estate, USA
- The Jay and Barbara Hennick Family Foundation, Canada
- The Joseph Gottdenker Family, Canada
- Amy & Robert Book and Family, USA
- Brenda Weil Mandel & Louis Frock, Erna Weil Leiser z"l, USA
- Cheryl & Haim Saban, USA
- David & Sara Marysia Feuerstein z"l, Chile
- Diana & Eli Zborowski z"l, USA
- Dr. Heinz E. & Editha Samson z"l, Switzerland-UK
- Dr. Max z”l & Gianna Glassman, Canada
- Galia & Axel Stawski, USA
- Gladys & Sam z"l Halpern, USA
- John Gandel AC, Pauline Gandel Family and The Gandel Philanthropy
- Leslie & Anna Dan, Canada
- Marilyn & Jack H. Pechter and Family, USA
- Marilyn z"l & Jack Belz, Sarah & Phillip Belz z"l, USA
- Nancy & Sam Shamie and Family, USA
- Pisar Family in memory of Dr. Samuel Pisar, France
- Prof. Dr. Jan Philipp Reemtsma, The Hamburg Foundation for the Advancement of Research and Culture, Germany
- Rochelle & Henryk Schwarz, USA
- Ruben y Toby Mischne y Familia, México
- Ruth z"l & David z"l, Mindy & Ira Mitzner and Families, USA
- Seweryn Wasserstrom z”l, USA
- Sharon & David Halpern, USA
- Stanley z"l & Bea Tollman, UK
- Stephanie & David J. z"l Azrieli and The Azrieli Foundation, Canada-Israel
- The Archie Sherman Charitable Trust, UK
- The Asper Foundation, Canada
- The Caesarea Edmond Benjamin de Rothschild Foundation, Israel
- The Crown Family, USA
- The Danek Gertner Foundation, Austria
- The Edmond J. Safra Foundation, Switzerland
- The European Jewish Fund, Luxembourg
- The Genesis Philanthropy Group, Russia
- The Klarman Family Foundation, USA
- The Milch Family Foundation, USA
- Tina & Steven Schwarz z"l, USA
- Alex z”l & Vera Boyarsky and Family, Australia
- Andor z"l & Margaret Schwartz, Australia
- Ariel y Vicky Picker e Hijos Alan, Uri y Tali, México
- Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA, Germany
- Brian & Lee Joffe and Family, South Africa
- Cecile z"l & Edward Mosberg, USA
- Dame Vivien Duffield, Clore Israel Foundation, UK
- Daniella & Daniel Steinmetz, Israel
- David Berg z”l, USA
- David z"l & Dora Yisrael, Hijos, Nietos y Bisnietos, Venezuela
- Dayenu Ltd, Gail & Colin Halpern, USA
- Deutsche Bahn AG, Germany
- Deutsche Bank AG, Germany
- Doris y Justino Hirschhorn y Familia, México
- Dov (Boris) & Rachel Eisenstadt z”l, Betty Eisenstadt & Romeo Finder, Canada
- Dr. Laszlo N. Tauber z”l, USA
- Ed & Fran Sonshine, Canada
- Edita & Abraham Spiegel z”l and Family, USA
- Egon & Miriam Sonnenschein and Family, Australia
- Eric z"l & Sheila Samson and Family, Israel
- Ernest & Helen Singer, Miguel & Beth Singer, Barry & Nelly Zagdanski, Canada
- Evelyn y Jaime Ellstein y Familia, México
- Fanya Gottesfeld Heller z"l, Beth & Ben Heller, Dr. Jacqueline Heller, USA
- Gale & Ira Drukier, USA
- Gloria & Szulem (Sol) Silberzweig z”l and Family, USA
- Gustavo & Thereza Halbreich, Brazil
- Harry, Rachel, Sarah, Sophie and Leah Krakowski, USA
- Helene and Joseph Habermann z"l and Family, Germany
- Henry & Rose Landschaft z"l, Germany
- Howard Sokolowski & Senator Linda Frum and the Latner Family, Canada
- Icek & Elfi Ostrowicz, Germany
- Igor Kolomoisky, Ukraine
- International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, Israel
- Jan & Rick Cohen, USA
- Jane & Isaac Ladelsky, Mexico
- Johanna (Hannie) Catherina Kiprono Biwott, Israel
- Jona Goldrich z"l and Family, USA
- Jonathan Held, USA
- Joseph, Ivette, Mauricio, Basi y Sara Woldenberg, México
- Julia & Isidore Karten z"l and Family, USA
- Lilly & Nathan Shapell z"l, Vera & Paul Guerin, USA
- Lily Safra, Switzerland
- Marcos z”l & Adina Katz, Mexico
- Martha and Barry Berkett, Judy and Robert T. Flesh, Helen and Moshe Sassover, USA
- Martin & Bracha Werber, David & Ellie Werber, USA
- Marty & Debbie Vine, Shelly Tenenbaum, Israel-USA
- Max z"l & Atara Mazin, Spain
- Mercedes-Benz Group AG, Germany
- Michael & Laura Mirilashvili, Israel
- Mireille & Harvey Katz, USA
- Naftali Deutsch & Family, USA
- Nicole Karsenty Ligeti, USA
- Nira y Jaime Meir z"l, Venezuela
- Phyllis & William Mack and Family, USA
- Rachel & Sam Boymel z"l, USA
- Raquel & Edmundo z”l Safdíe, Brazil
- Renia (née Sperber) Perel, Moshe Aaron Perel, and Freda Sharon Perel z”l, Canada
- Rochelle & Maks Etingin z"l, USA
- Rose & Philip Friedman, USA
- Ruta & Felix z”l Zandman, USA
- Sady z"l & Simy Cohen and Family, Venezuela
- Salomon & Ruth Marcuschamer, Mexico
- Sara y Rolando Uziel y Familia, México
- Selma Gruder Horowitz z”l and Family, USA
- Sima & Nathan z”l Katz, Rita & David Levy, USA
- Stella & Sam z”l Skura, USA
- Steven Spielberg, USA
- Susanne & Jan z”l Czuker, USA
- The Abraham Franck z"l Trust, USA
- The Alfred Freiherr von Oppenheim Foundation, Germany
- The Anne & Isidore Falk & Michael David Falk Foundations, USA
- The Braman Family Foundation, USA
- The Budd S. Parrish and Linda A. Parrish Revocable Trust, USA
- The Claire Friedlander Foundation z”l, USA
- The Erna Florsheim Estate, USA
- The Estate of Bonya & Moshe Borushek z"l, Israel
- The Estate of Haim Koren z"l, Israel
- The Estate of Halina Cypel z"l, USA
- The Estate of Isaac Moinester, USA
- The Estate of Joseph & Vivette Baharlia z"l, France
- The Estate of Martha-Sarah & Edmond-Abraham Friedmann z”l, Israel
- The Estate of Rachel & Meir Yaskil z”l, Israel
- The Estate of Romaine Efros z”l, USA
- The Ford Foundation, USA
- The Gutwirth Family Fund, Israel
- The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, USA
- The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation, USA
- The Lowy Family, Australia
- The Moskowitz Family in Memory of Henry Moskowitz z”l, USA
- The Najmann Family, UK
- The Newmark Family, USA
- The Noaber Foundation, the Netherlands
- The Sima Conrad z"l Trust, USA
- The Ted Arison Family Foundation, Israel
- The Wolfson Family Charitable Trust, UK
- Thomas Guttman, USA
- Victor David, Canada
- Volkswagen AG, Germany
- Abbi & Jeremy Halpern, USA
- Alberto & Raquel Cohen, Mexico
- Annie Averbuch, France
- Celina & Marvin Zborowski, USA
- Comité Français pour Yad Vashem, France
- David & Malke Gorodzinsky, Mexico
- Debora Silin & Samuel-Heinrich z”l Winograd, Israel
- Hartley Hershenhorn, Canada
- International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, Norway
- Jacobo Cojab y Familia, México
- Jean & Eugen Gluck z"l, USA
- Jean Frydman, France
- Jonathan Gora Friedman and Sam Friedman, USA
- Joseph & Helen Frohlich-West z"l and Family, Australia
- Les Amis Suisses de Yad Vashem, Switzerland
- Liv-Merete Høglund z"l, Norway
- Marina & Alexander Dobrovinsky, Russia
- Paul and Pamela Austin, Canada
- Renata & Murray z"l Alon, USA
- Rose & Charles Zarucki z"l and Family, USA
- Sadia Sultan y Perla Asseraf Sultan z"l, Venezuela
- Smetanitch Family, Israel
- Stichting Vrienden Von Yad Vashem, the Netherlands
- The Berg Foundation, USA
- The Estate of Clara Gero z”l, Israel
- The Estate of Felicia & Meir Zipperstein z”l, Israel
- The Estate of Flory Van Beek z"l, USA
- The Estate of Gerhard Levy, USA
- The Estate of Hawiwa Liberman z"l, Israel
- The Estate of Helena & Azriel Geyer, France
- The Estate of Joseph Goldberg z”l, USA
- The Estate of Magda Margolis z"l, USA
- The Estate of Pessia-Pnina Berson z”l, Israel
- The Estate of Robert & Jacqueline Arouet z"l, France
- The Estate of Salomea Gruener z"l, Australia
- The Estate of Shmuel Goldstein z"l, Israel
- The Estate of Werner Lowey z”l, USA
- The Estate of Rafael Feferman z”l, USA
- The Esther & David Mann, Betty & Jerry z”l Breslaw – Caslow Foundation, USA
- The Marc Rich Foundation for Education, Culture and Welfare, Switzerland-Israel
- The Museum of the Bible, USA
- The SNCF, French Railways, France
- The Schwarzbaum Family, Austria
- The Snider Foundation, USA
- The Steindling Family, Austria-Israel
- Zofia & Josef Landau z"l, Venezuela
- Abe Rosenthal, Canada
- Adina & Lawrence Burian, USA
- Al & Joseph J. Bukiet z”l, The Bukiet Brothers Foundation USA
- Anna & David, Jane & Ishaia Gol, USA
- Anton Mikhalenko, Ukraine
- Arthur Bock z"l and Marta Cornell z"l, USA
- Aurelia & David Gold z”l and the Gold-Gillad Families, Canada-Israel
- Avraham Harshalom-Fridberg and Family, Israel
- Barbara & George Hanus and Family, USA
- Barbara & Lewis F. Shrensky, USA
- Barbara z”l & Harvey Arfa, Caroline & Morris Massel, USA
- Batsheva & Murray Halpern, USA
- Buschie Kamin, Canada
- Cheryl & Fred Halpern, USA
- David & Luba Smuschkowitz z"l, Canada
- Diane & Arthur z"l Belfer, USA
- Dora & Harry Kichler, Canada
- Dora Hirschler z”l, Germany
- Dr. Rochelle & Dr. Robert Cherry and Family, USA
- Edith z”l & Rudolph Tessler, USA
- Elinor & Norman z"l Belfer, USA
- Elisa & Alan Pines and Family, USA
- En Memoria de Julio Werthein, Argentina
- Esther & Isaac Querub, Spain
- Esther (Dita) Kohn de Cohen y Salomon Cohen z"l, Venezuela
- Etta & Ulo z"l Barad, USA
- Felipe Braverman e Hijos Jaime, Félix y Susana, México
- Fred & Linda Waks, Canada
- Fruma Curtis z"l & Bernard Brooks z"l, USA
- Gabriela & Jack Shnay, USA
- Gennadiy Bogolyubov, Ukraine
- Gladys y José Ison y Familia, México
- Grupo Marcha de la Vida, Panamá
- Haleh & Kambiz Damaghi, USA
- Hanna Nyman on behalf of Jochi Nyman z”l, UK
- Hon. Ronald S. Lauder, USA
- Howard Smuschkowitz, Canada
- Hudson Bay Capital Management, USA
- Ingeborg & Ira Rennert, USA
- International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, Germany
- Jack Abel, USA
- Jacqueline z”l & Sigmund A. Rolat, USA
- Jacques Graubart, Belgium
- Jaime & Joan Constantiner z”l, Mexico-USA
- Jane & Alan z"l Cornell, USA
- Jay & Debbie Waks, Canada
- John Roth & Jillian Segal and Stanley & Charmaine Roth, Australia
- Josef & Shelley Paradis, USA
- Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Germany
- Lauren Schor Geller & Martin Geller, USA
- Leon z"l & Maria Taubenblatt, Samy Taubenblatt, Germany
- Leonid Roizengourt, Russia
- Lillian & Milton Steinberg, USA
- Lilly Zborowski Naveh & Avner Naveh, Israel
- Lola & Henry Tenenbaum z”l, USA
- Lori & Alan Zekelman, USA
- Louise & Murray z"l Pantirer and Family, USA
- Marcia & Yaakov Toledano, USA
- Marcos & Vivian Metta and Children, Mexico
- Maria Taubenfeld, Poland
- Martin Cohen z"l, Canada
- Martín & Esther Wengrowsky, Mexico
- Miguel & Betty Schwarz, Mexico
- Mikhail Bezeliansky, Russia
- Miklos Vasarhelyi z"l, Monaco
- Millie & Abraham z”l Zuckerman and Family, USA
- Miriam Braun z”l, USA
- MorAnn & Jack Halpern, USA
- Murry Zborowski and Family, USA
- Myrna z"l & Mark Palmer, USA
- Nicolas Roth, France
- Paula & Henry Major z”l, USA
- Paula & William Mandell z”l, USA
- Rhoda & David z”l Chase, USA
- Rita Spiegel z"l, USA
- Rudy Grunfeld z"l, USA
- Ruth & Morris Shell z”l, Australia
- Siza Schwartz z”l, Panamá
- Sonia Badler z"l, Venezuela
- Steve Russo and Family, USA
- The Blavatnik Family Foundation, USA
- The David Geffen Foundation, USA
- The EGL Charitable Foundation, USA
- The Estate of Charlotte Loeb z”l, USA
- The Estate of Eda Berger z"l, Italy
- The Estate of Erna Wollenberger z"l, USA
- The Estate of Eva Rifka Knox, Australia
- The Estate of Halina Timor-Kazevman z”l, Israel
- The Estate of Halina Wolf z”l, USA
- The Estate of Harold Hamer z”l, USA
- The Estate of Lea Grossman z”l, Israel
- The Estate of Lucie Bialer z”l, France
- The Estate of Lydia Siegel z”l, USA
- The Estate of Madeleine Roland, France
- The Estate of Margaret Goetz z”l, USA
- The Estate of Ruth Morrison Leland z"l, USA
- The Estate of Ruth Moss z"l, USA
- The Estate of Shirley Liebowitz z"l, USA
- The Estate of Thomas Zand, USA
- The Estate of Victor Aitay z"l, USA
- The Estate of Yaffa Sara Leitman, USA
- The Folkman Family, USA
- The Gephen Trust, Switzerland
- The Gewolb Family, USA
- The J.B. and M.K. Pritzker Family Foundation, USA
- The Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Foundation, USA
- The Joseph Guttman Living Trust, USA
- The Kennedy Leigh Charitable Trust, UK
- The Kermit Gitenstein Foundation, USA
- The Kirsh Foundation, UK
- The Malkin Family, USA
- The Maltz Family Foundation, USA
- The Nadav Foundation, Israel
- The Nelco Foundation funded by Barbara & David Blumenthal and Family, USA
- The One8 Foundation, USA
- The Renova Charitable Foundation, Russia
- The Richard König Will and Trust, Germany
- Verein der Liechtensteiner Freunde von Yad Vashem, Liechtenstein
- William Hernstadt and Family, Singapore
- William z"l & Linda Hechter, Canada
- Willie z"l & Rachel Moll and Family, Canada
- Zofia & Bolek Isralewicz, Germany
- Zoli z"l & Erika Herskovits, Germany
- Österreichische Freunde von Yad Vashem, Austria
- 1000 Club, UK
- 45 Aid Society, UK
- Aaron Benoliel and Family, Spain
- Aizel Landau Trudel, UK
- Alberto Galsky, Venezuela
- Alexander Semberg, Russia
- Alexey Martynov, Ukraine
- Alice & Elías Massri, Mexico
- Amram Cohen z”l & Paulina Gamus de Cohen, Venezuela
- Amy & Simon Feiglin, Australia
- Anat y Michell Brown, USA
- Andrés Apeloig z”l, Musha H. Apeloig z”l and Family, Venezuela
- Arie, Dor, Eitan y Yair Geller-Leizorek, México
- Ariel y Cinthia Pinto e Hijos, Argentina
- Australia Israel Cultural Exchange, Australia
- Barbara Hershenhorn, Canada
- Batsheva Eden, USA
- Begoña & León Benacerraf, Spain
- Bernard z"l and Russel Herbert, Australia
- Bernice & James Bookhamer, USA
- Bnei Brith Raoul Wallenberg Lodge Melbourne, Australia
- Boris Lozhkin, Ukraine
- Boris Semberg, Russia
- Carol & Jeffrey Diamond, USA
- Carol & Michael Laub and Family, USA
- Cecile & Roman z"l Kriegstein, USA
- Cellcom, Israel
- Cesia & Frank Blaichman z”l, USA
- Cessy y Alex Metta y Familia, México
- Cindy Barad & Gerald Barad, USA
- Connie & Harvey Krueger z"l and Family, USA
- Cynthia y Moisés Araf, Aaron, Teresa y David Araf Serur, México
- Daniel Hamburger z"l, USA
- Danielle & Harry Karten, USA
- Danny z”l & Vivienne Saltzman, Canada
- David & Felicia Posluns, Ian & Sara Zagdanski, Canada
- David & Miriam Attias and Family, Monterrey Mexico
- David Davidovich, Russia
- David Joukov, Russia
- David Wiener and Family, USA
- David Wollach, Switzerland
- David e Inés Beja e Hijos, Mexico
- David z”l y Jennie Serur y Familia, Mexico
- Debra Kasirer, USA
- Denis Volchek, Russia
- Dola & Moshe Rubin z”l, USA
- Donna & Marvin Schwartz, USA
- Doree & Charles z"l Greenberg, USA
- Doris & Simon z”l Konover Family, USA
- Dr. Richard Prasquier, France
- Dr. Sally Rogow z”l, Canada
- Dr. Tzipora H. Jochsberger, Israel
- Edward and Elissa Czuker, USA
- Elaine & Robert Baum, USA
- Eliezer & Ena Rotkopf, Venezuela
- Elizabeth Z. Mundlak, USA
- Elliot Sutton, USA
- Ellis & Israel Krakowski z”l, USA
- En Memoria de Abraham Medrez de Nina e Hijos, México
- Enaj y Esther Derzavich y familia, Israel-México
- Erste Group Bank AG Vienna, Austria
- Eva & Bernardo Lijtszain, Mexico
- Eve & Stephen Milstein, USA
- Eyvan & Robert L. Koening, USA
- Familia Aizenman Pinchanski, Costa Rica
- Fanny Cohen-Kohn, Children and Grandchildren, Venezuela
- Fanny Melnitzer, Canada
- Felix Grossman z”l, USA
- Fogel Family, Venezuela
- Fred & Silvia Antman, USA
- Frida & Ernest Cornell z”l, USA
- Friede Springer Stiftung, Germany
- Fundación Universitaria San Antonio-Murcia, Spain
- Gerda Frieberg z"l, Canada
- Gila & Adam Milstein, USA
- Greg Rosshandler and Family, Australia
- Guillermo y Ester Roizental y Familia, Venezuela
- Halina & Samson Bitensky z”l, USA
- Hanna & Bernie Rubinstein, USA
- Harold Handler, USA
- Harold Vigoda z"l, Canada
- Harold and Rebecca Finger, Australia
- Harry Chojna, Australia
- Harry z"l & Sylvia Hoffman, Australia
- Helen Feiner, in Memory of Alec & Leon Feiner z”l, USA
- Help Jews Home, Norway
- Idel, Ivette, Abraham, Shelly y Dina Woldenberg, México-Panama-USA
- In Honor of Martin & Haviva Fisher, Israel
- In Memory of Edward J. Sitt z¨l, Mexico
- International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, Canada
- International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, USA
- Irene & Freddy z”l Pressner, Venezuela
- Iris & Shalom Maidenbaum, USA
- Isaac & Caren Metta e hijos, Mexico
- Isaac & Judy Thau, Canada
- Isaac & Myrna Kaye and Family, UK
- Isaac y Sara Bissu y sus Hijos Jessy y Elías, México
- Isaac z"l & Bela Galsky, Perú
- Isaac, Miriam y Elías Zonana, Mexico
- Israel Discount Bank, USA
- Israel z"l y Rosa Feldman, Hijos, nuera y nietos, Mexico
- Ivonne & Samuel Geller z"l, Mexico
- JNF UK and the Leeds Jewish Community in the name of Arek Hersh (Herszlikowic), UK
- Jack & Fereshteh Mahfar, Switzerland
- Jaclyn & Gonen Paradis, USA
- Jacobo & Vicky Penhos, Rebeca, Isaac, Rafael, Daniel, Mexico
- Jacobo Gelman and Family, Venezuela
- Jacov and Rita Weinberg, Australia
- Jacqueline & David Simon Family, USA
- Jan & Andrew J. Groveman, USA
- Jayme & Stela Blay, Brazil
- Jean & Ben Schreibman, USA
- Jeanie & Jay Schottenstein, USA
- Jeff & Honey Rubenstein and Family, Canada
- John Hagee Ministries, USA
- Jonathan Ferster, UK
- Josef-Chaim z"l & Renée Kaufman, Belgium
- José y Helen Benasayag, Raquel, Jacobo y Adina, Venezuela
- Joyce & Jeffrey Sudikoff, USA
- Julia Rowan & Sheldon Rowan, Canada
- Justin Liberman and Lisa Farber & Family, Australia
- Krammer and Romano Families, France
- Kurt z"l & Marie Danzig, UK
- Lee & Murray Kushner, USA
- Leon & Freda Schaller z"l, UK
- Leslie M. & Peter D. Strong, USA
- Lewis C. Pell and Family, USA
- León & Lily Schidlow z”l and Family, Mexico
- Lidia & Jimmy Resnick and Family, USA
- Lilian, Mario, Mary, Lea, Jonatan Berkowitz, Miami-Venezuela
- Lily Cantor, UK
- Linda & Murray Laulicht, USA
- Lissi & Salomón Galsky, Venezuela
- Louis & Shirley Greenbaum, Canada
- Lucy & Phillip Morelle, UK
- Lundy & Fredric Reynolds, USA
- Maria & William Herskovic z"l, USA
- Marilyn & Jeffrey Katzenberg, USA
- Marjorie & Aaron Ziegelman, USA
- Mark Majeski, USA
- Mark z"l and Anne Mandell, Canada
- Martin Major, USA
- Masha y Victor Cohen, México
- Michael Sacks, USA
- Michaela & Leon Constantiner, USA
- Michel & Estrella Eljarrat, Spain
- Mickey Shapiro, USA
- Middlegate Companies, Sutton, Verdiger, Mizrahi Families, USA
- Miguel & Alelie Plitman, Jacobo, Salomón, Romina, Venezuela
- Mijael & Leslie Attias and Family, Monterrey Mexico
- Millie & Jack Werber z”l and Family, USA
- Miriam Gertler z"l, Germany
- Mirna & David Nagel, USA
- Mona Gora Sterling & David Sterling, USA
- Nancy Powell, USA
- Naomi Warren z”l, Joy & Benjamin Warren, USA
- Nathan Darty, France
- Nathan y Susie Shteremberg, México
- Niza & Ernst Hacker, USA
- Nora Lyman, Lyly Lister and Shawn Burstyn in memory of their father, Isidore Burstyn, Canada
- Patricia & Michael Jacobs Family, USA
- Paul & Edwina Heller z"l, Canada
- Paula & Dr. Charles Tannen z"l, USA
- Peggy & Paul z"l Brett, UK
- Philip y Vivian Unger, Costa Rica
- Phoenix Holdings Ltd., Israel
- Rachel Landau Gottstein & Bernard J. Gottstein z"l, USA
- Rafael, Vivian, Pola, Mayer & Tania Zaga, Mexico
- Raphael Recanati, USA
- Raquel & Jacobo Szkolnik, Venezuela
- Rebeca z"l & Nathan Lustgarten, Venezuela
- Regina & David Weinberg, USA
- Rella Feldman & Curtiss Pulitzer, USA
- Renee & Robert Belfer, USA
- Rifka (Klein) Zevi & Tuviya Klein z”l and Families, Israel
- Riva & Thomas O. Hecht, Canada
- Rivky & Moshe Majeski, USA
- Roland Benveniste y Familia, México
- Ron Bernbaum & Renee Bleeman, Canada
- Rosalie Berman, USA
- Rosine Bron via la Fondation du Judaïsme Français, France
- Rosita Beracha Zaidman, Hijos y Nietos, Venezuela
- Ruth & Shimon Asch z”l, Alexander z”l & Aliza Mundlak, USA
- Sally & Isak Levenstein z”l & the Feldman Family, USA
- Samuel Chernin, USA
- Samuel Stern & Cheryl Chase, USA
- Samuel Wennek, Switzerland
- Sara Goldman, México
- Selik & Susy Wengrowsky z”l, Israel
- Sharon y David Sitt e Hijos, México
- Sheila & Bob Friedland, USA
- Shelly & Michael Kassen, USA
- Sheryl & Kenneth Pressberg, USA
- Sidney Ferenc, USA
- Sigmund Strochlitz z”l, USA
- Silvia y Samuel Aizenman e hijos, Costa Rica
- Simón & Linda, Moises & Cleret Tussie & Hijos, México
- Sophie Kalina z"l, USA
- Stanley Black, USA
- Steven Morelle z"l, UK
- Susan & Edward Falk, USA
- Susan & Jack Levkovitz, USA
- Susan & Stanley Chesley, USA
- Susan Best, USA
- Tama Berman & Ruth Berman, Canada
- Teresa & Carlos z”l Metta, Mexico
- The Annenberg Foundation, USA
- The Apotex Foundation – Honey & Barry Sherman, Canada
- The Artur Brauner Foundation, Germany
- The Artzi Family, Israel
- The David & Laverne Kitsis Trust, USA
- The Diamond Foundation, Canada
- The Escoll & Lubeck Families, Pamela & Joseph Lubeck, USA
- The Estate of Alice Weiss z”l, USA
- The Estate of Anna Antonovsky, USA
- The Estate of Anna Lewis, USA
- The Estate of Edward Eiland z"l, USA
- The Estate of Ella Klein z”l, USA
- The Estate of Ernest Oppenheimer z”l, USA
- The Estate of Felicia Berland Hyatt z”l, USA
- The Estate of Felicia Zytnicky z"l, France
- The Estate of Frances Franck z”l, USA
- The Estate of Friedel Stern z"l, Israel
- The Estate of Gerda Wasserman, USA
- The Estate of Isaac Dickmann z”l, USA
- The Estate of Isaac Jacques Cohen z"l, France
- The Estate of Janet Mohr z”l, USA
- The Estate of Jerry Sall z”l, USA
- The Estate of Joan U. Leibson z”l, USA
- The Estate of Lazer Shishetzky z"l, Israel
- The Estate of Leontina Winter z"l, Israel
- The Estate of Marcel Farago z”l, USA
- The Estate of Maria Kreuzman, USA
- The Estate of Marion & Samuel Rousso z"l, USA
- The Estate of Michel Hubert z”l, France
- The Estate of Miriam Perry z”l, USA
- The Estate of Nachman Zonabend z"l, Sweden
- The Estate of Olga Kovacs, USA
- The Estate of Paula Pakswer z”l, USA
- The Estate of Robert Weiss z”l, USA
- The Estate of Ruth & Werner Roman z"l, USA
- The Estate of Sandra Brand Weintraub z”l, USA
- The Estate of Toni Fox z"l, USA
- The Estate of Yetti Rosenzweig z"l, France
- The Estate of the Koron Family z”l, USA
- The Estate of Esther & Chaim Diamond z"l, USA
- The Estate of Sylvia Mauler z"l, USA
- The Gabriel Tamman Foundation, Switzerland
- The Graham and Rhona Beck Foundation, Israel
- The Howard and Carole Tanenbaum Family Foundation, Canada
- The Irving and Helen Betz Foundation, USA
- The Israel Koschitzky Family Charitable Foundation, Canada
- The J. Ira & Nicki Harris Family Foundation, USA
- The Judy & Rubin z"l Josephs and Family Foundation, USA
- The Kaya Family, USA
- The L&R Uechtritz Foundation, Australia
- The Lottie Lise Rothschild Trust, USA
- The Lucie Blau Revocable Trust, USA
- The Lynne Waxman Foundation, USA
- The Marion and Norman Tanzman Charitable Foundation, USA
- The Marjorie Leva Plesset Living Trust, USA
- The Melvin S. Cutler Foundation, USA
- The Michael & Lori Milken Family Foundation, USA
- The Morris Justein Family Charitable Foundation, Canada
- The Orion Foundation, Australia
- The Rabbi Morris Shapiro Revocable Trust, USA
- The Reuben Foundation, UK
- The Robert M. and Marilyn Sternberg Family Charitable Foundation, USA
- The Rosalinde & Arthur Gilbert Foundation, USA
- The Russell Berrie Foundation, USA
- The Sacks Family, USA
- The Sam Spiegel Foundation, USA
- The Samuel Bronfman Foundation, USA
- The Socolsky Family, USA
- The Vidor Family, Australia
- The Zantker Foundation, USA
- Toby & Charles Drukier z”l, USA
- Trudy & Sol z"l Englander and Family, USA
- Vera & Joseph z”l Eden, USA
- Vicky y Abraham Metta e hijos, México
- Victor Pinchuk, Ukraine
- Vivian & Moises Becker, Mexico
- Wanda Kremski, USA
- Abraham & Lucy Zetune, Mexico
- Abraham Merczynski, USA
- Alan Becker, USA
- Alexander Kirzhnev, Russia
- Andrew Peterfreund & Susan Moss, Australia
- Angel Dilla Moliné, Spain
- Ann Oster, USA
- Anna Erlich, USA
- Audrey & Albert Ratner, USA
- Audrey Binkhorst, USA
- Avi Katz, USA
- Avraham A. Covo, USA
- Bank Hapoalim, USA
- Barbara & Bruce Solomon, Australia
- Ben Abraham & Myriam Nekricz z”l, Brazil
- Bernard Gotfryd z”l, USA
- Bernard and Lynne Berson, Australia
- Brian Anderson, UK
- Carlos Hausmann, Venezuela-USA
- Cela & Aba Yakob Manielewicz z"l, Israel
- Chaim & Malca Brown z"l, Australia
- Charles Borrok, USA
- Clarence Van Den Berg, the Netherlands
- Coty & Isaac Belilty z"l, Spain
- Daniel Toledano, USA
- Daniel, Roberto y Shirley Slimak, Venezuela
- David & Liz Dichi, Mexico
- David Barish, USA
- David Field, USA
- David and Jenni Mond, Australia
- Debra & Jerry Kramer and Family, USA
- Dinah Sauermann, Switzerland
- Dr. Abe & Marlene Zelwer, Australia
- Dr. Isaac & Judi Feldman, Australia
- Dr. Malcolm Schaller and Mrs Janice Schaller, UK
- Dr. Mark Bryce & Family, Australia
- Dr. Satinder Matharu and Dr. Linda Schaller, UK
- Dr. Sol Messinger, USA
- Eleanor Katz, USA
- Eleanor Lewart, USA
- Eli & Kim Alster, Australia
- Elvira y León Harari e hijos, Mexico
- Ernestine Burstyn z”l, USA
- Ernesto Stern e hijas Susana Stern de Eichner e Ivonne Stern de Landsmanas, México
- Eva Friedman, Miriam Kibilsky y Josi Kibilsky, Venezuela-Miami
- Eve & Jeffrey L. z"l Gossman, USA
- Familia Berkman-Sefchovich, México-Miami
- Florence & Michael Edelstein, USA
- Genia & Robert Croitorescu, Venezuela
- Gertrude & Louis Kestenbaum, USA
- Gitta & Jack z"l Nagel, USA
- Greg Rosshandler
- H & R Strygler, USA
- Halina & Leon Kleiner, USA
- Harry Wittlin, USA
- Hedy Orden, USA
- Henriette & Gustave Jacobs z”l, USA
- Herbert Katz z”l, USA
- Hetta & Harris L. ‘Shrub’ Kempner, Jr., USA
- Hélène Schainer z"l, France
- ImDialog. Ev. Arbeitskreis für das christlich-jüdische Gespräch in Hessen und Nassau, Germany
- International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, Denmark
- International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, Finland
- Isy Danon, South Africa
- Izzy Merin, USA
- Jack & Denise Terpins, Brazil
- Jacqueline & Barry L. Levine, USA
- Jaime, Ilana y Samuel Braverman, México
- Jane & Leonard Abess, USA
- Jason Itkin & Family, USA
- Jeannette y Rafael Gelman, Venezuela
- Jennifer & Matt Birnbaum, USA
- Jennifer Drukier, USA
- Joan & Theodore Cutler z”l, USA
- Joan y Mauricio Schwarz, México
- Joel & Judy Dimitry, Canada
- John & Jenny Fast, Australia
- Jonathan Lourie, UK
- Joseph Distenfeld z”l, USA
- José Bentata, Venezuela
- Judy & Morry Weiss, USA
- Judy Koslov, USA
- Julian Savage z”l, USA
- Juliana Stechenberg z"l, Israel
- Leon Schenker, USA
- Lili Stawski, USA
- Lillian Schneider, USA
- Linda & Hal Gottschall, USA
- Lyn & Henry Meyers, USA
- Lynn & Erwin Fisch, USA
- Marge & Severin z”l Caitung, USA
- Marilyn & Thomas Spiegel, Spiegel Family Philanthropic Fund, USA
- Mary Starr z"l, Australia
- Matityahu & Nehama Zuckerman z"l, Israel
- Michael Goldman, USA
- Michael Wojdyslawski, USA
- Mike Flax, South Africa
- Millie & Larry Magid, USA
- Miriam Oster z”l, USA
- Moisés Mondlak, México
- Morley Brown and Nathan & Glennie Lindenberg, Canada
- Murray & Frances Chernick, USA
- Naum Gontmakher, Germany
- Naumburger Family, Australia
- Olga & Herman Wachtenheim, USA
- Orit Freedman Weissman, USA
- Orly Beigel, México
- Paul & Lorraine Fecher, UK
- Paul Lipschutz z”l, Sweden
- Perla Levy Calo, Italy
- Peter Ivany & Paul Ivany and Families, Australia
- Philip Green, Australia
- Philippe Corrot, France
- Pia Mann z"l, Italy
- Pnina & Anatol Hiller, USA
- Regina Altaras & Ruben Lerner, USA
- Roberta & Irwin Chafetz, USA
- Roger z"l and Linden Sofer, USA
- Rolate Oy, Finland
- Ronnie & Martin Heinfling, USA
- Rosalyn & Arié Benguigui, Monaco
- Salo Guttfreund z"l, USA
- Sander Srulowitz, USA
- Sara & Israel Roizman, USA
- Sara & Leo Wolf, USA
- Shari & Alon Kaufman, USA
- Suzanne & Lenny Goldschein, USA
- Sylvia & David Steiner, USA
- Tali & Ezra Katz, USA
- Ted Slavin, USA
- Thalma y Milton Gruszka e Hijos, Venezuela
- The Abe Besser Estate, USA
- The Alice M. and Thomas J. Tisch Fund, USA
- The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation
- The Beracha Foundation, Israel
- The Board of Trustees of St. Petersburg Jewish Community, Russia
- The Breslauer-Soref Foundation, USA
- The Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation, USA
- The Circle of Service Foundation, USA
- The Dr. Scholl Foundation, USA
- The Erwin Rautenberg Foundation, USA
- The Estate of Anabelle Weiss, USA
- The Estate of Azriel Mizrahi z"l, Israel
- The Estate of Beatrice Cohen z"l, USA
- The Estate of Beatrice Lemlein z”l, USA
- The Estate of Borbala Lindelfeld z”l, Israel
- The Estate of David Schneider z”l, USA
- The Estate of Dorothy Goldstein z”l, USA
- The Estate of Dorothy Karp z”l, USA
- The Estate of Elias Newman z”l, USA
- The Estate of Erika Grief z”l, Israel
- The Estate of Eta Marsh z”l, USA
- The Estate of Florett Robinson, USA
- The Estate of Frances Ziegler z”l, USA
- The Estate of Georgine Mayer z"l, Israel
- The Estate of Gerald Phillips, USA
- The Estate of Gilles Zemmour z"l, France
- The Estate of Harold Goldstein z”l, USA
- The Estate of Ida Rosenman Sands z”l, USA
- The Estate of Jack Basch, Canada
- The Estate of Jack Luchs z”l, USA
- The Estate of Jacques Royer z"l, France
- The Estate of Janet Amber, USA
- The Estate of Julia Grosberg z”l, USA
- The Estate of Leah Dryter z"l, Belgium
- The Estate of Leoni & David Horowitz z"l, Israel
- The Estate of Marcelle De Motte, USA
- The Estate of Marcia Z. Mehr z”l, USA
- The Estate of Martin Gerotwol z”l, USA
- The Estate of Miriam Mary Levinowitz z"l, Israel
- The Estate of Robert N. Wess, USA
- The Estate of Rose C. Stern z”l, USA
- The Estate of Seymour J. Kahn z"l, Israel
- The Estate of Stella Wand z”l, USA
- The Estate of Sylvia Frieder z”l, USA
- The Estate of Tusia Makori z"l, Israel
- The Estate of Ursula Gundel, USA
- The Estate of William Golz z”l, USA
- The Estate of Zipora Blasenberg z”l, Israel
- The Estate of Zofia Dymant z”l, USA
- The Estate of Zophia Shulman, USA
- The Eva & Les Erdi Humanitarian Charitable Foundation, Australia
- The Finkelman Family in memory of Wolf Finkelman z"l, USA
- The Frances & Benjamin Benenson Foundation, USA
- The Harry Kramer Memorial Fund, USA
- The Herbert Bearman Foundation, Inc., USA
- The Herbert Family, UK
- The Herman Kaiser Foundation, USA
- The Jack Gruber Estate, USA
- The Jan M. & Eugenia Krol Charitable Foundation, USA
- The Jewish Community of Thessaloniki, Greece
- The Kirsh Family, Canada
- The L.E. Phillips Family Foundation, USA
- The Lauffer Family Charitable Trust, UK
- The Lawrence and Judith Tanenbaum Family Charitable Foundation, Canada
- The Marcus Foundation, USA
- The Naphtali Family Foundation, Australia
- The Newton Glassman Charitable Foundation, Canada
- The Nimrodi Family, Israel
- The P&S Bassat Family Charitable Foundation, Australia
- The Peter & Sidi Gluck Living Trust USA
- The Philip Chosky Charitable & Educational Foundation, USA
- The Pratt Foundation, Australia
- The Samuel & Edward Cohen Revocable Trust, USA
- The Steinberg Family Charitable Trust, UK
- The Sultan Abadi Family, Venezuela
- The Tauben Family Foundation, Canada
- The Vivian and Seymour Milstein Family Foundation, USA
- The William & Anna Koenig Irrevocable Trust, USA
- The Estate of Paul Spitz z”l, USA
- Tina & Enrique z”l Farbiarz, Argentina
- UBS, Israel
- Vladimir Zemtsov, UK
- Walter Griessman z"l, UK
- Wayne & Debbie Zuckerman, USA
- Yvonne & Dan Celia, USA
- Zev Jalon (Jablonka) z"l, Israel
- Zury, Vicky, Mario, Gabriel y Daniel Attie Moscona, México
- Zygmunt z"l & Annie Rotter, Venezuela
- האיחוד האירופי
- Mariana Habie, Guatemala
- Pierre & Daniele Opman, Switzerland
- The Beaverbrooks Charitable Trust, UK
- The Carlan Family Marital Trust and the Carlan Family Exemption Trust, USA
- The Levi Lassen Foundation
- United Mashadi Jewish Community of America (UMJCA), USA
- Vicky Safra, Brazil
- Edith & David Chaifetz, USA
- Isaac Applbaum, USA
- Izhar Ronen, Australia
- Naomi Ickovitz, USA
- Sara Brodsky, USA
- The Estate of Lester G. Telser, USA
- The Pinshaw Family Foundation, Australia
Public Institutions
- Conseil Régional Ile de France, France
- Stichting Collectieve Marorgelden, Israel
- The Centre of Organizations of Holocaust Survivors in Israel (COHSI)
- The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, Inc
- The Dutch Humanitarian Jewish Fund, the Netherlands
- The European Commission
- The European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI)
- The Fund for Support of Jewish Institutions or Projects Outside Norway, Norway
- The Future Fund of the Republic of Austria
- The Government of Belgium
- The Government of France
- The Government of Israel; the Ministry of Finance; the Ministry of Education; the Ministry of Heritage; the Ministry for Social Equality the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs; the Ministry of Tourism
- The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany
- The Government of the Italian Republic
- The Government of the Netherlands
- The Government of the Republic of Austria
- The Government of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Federal Republic of Germany
- The Government of the State of Saxony, Federal Republic of Germany
- The Hungarian Gold Train Committee, USA
- The International Commission on Holocaust Era Insurance Claims (ICHEIC)
- The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA)
- The Jewish Agency for Israel
- The Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture, USA
- The National Fund of the Republic of Austria for Victims of National Socialism, Austria
- The Remembrance, Responsibility & Future Foundation, Germany
- The World Holocaust Forum Foundation
- Bamah (במה - כתב עת לתיאטרון)
- Central Organization of Holocaust Survivors in Israel
- David Davidowitz
- Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah, France
- Le Mémorial de la Shoah
- Margot Stern Strom
- Mémorial de la Shoah
- Next Generation Association (עמותת דורות ההמשך)
- Teacher's Organization (ארגון המורים)
- The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress
- The Samson Foundation
- The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
- Yedioth Ahronoth