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Visiting Info
Opening Hours:

Sunday to Thursday: ‬09:00-17:00

Fridays and Holiday eves: ‬09:00-14:00

Yad Vashem is closed on Saturdays and all Jewish Holidays.

Entrance to the Holocaust History Museum is not permitted for children under the age of 10. Babies in strollers or carriers will not be permitted to enter.

Drive to Yad Vashem:
For more Visiting Information

Dame Vivien Duffield, Clore Israel Foundation, UK

The Clore Foundation has been at the forefront of charitable endeavors in Israel since its establishment by the late Sir Charles Clore in 1965. Since Sir Charles’ death in 1979, the Foundation has been chaired by his daughter, Dame Vivien Duffield. Over the past four decades, the Foundation has extended support to projects which aim to promote excellence in education, enhance equality of opportunity, and improve the situation of the less privileged in society, from all of communities, throughout the country.

Throughout the years, the Clore Foundation has made significant contributions to the city of Jerusalem that have enriched its heritage and enhanced educational and recreational facilities for all its residents. The recent donation to Yad Vashem enriches a large portfolio of projects in the city.

In the field of education, the Clore Foundation has supported a range of facilities and institutions, from preschool through to university. In the pursuit of excellence, the Foundation has made donations for buildings and endowments, and grants annual scholarships for doctoral students in science from all of Israel’s universities. In an attempt to help the less advantaged in society, it has also established math, English, science and computer labs in elementary and high schools and built day-care, kindergarten and dormitory facilities in development towns and disadvantaged neighborhoods throughout the country. It also supports a range of informal educational programmes for Jewish and Arab children and youth.

Over the past fifteen years, the Clore Foundation has made a targeted effort to help equip new immigrants from the CIS and Ethiopia to enter the Israeli job market. In addition, special attention has been paid to assisting young children from immigrant families adjust to school and maintain parity in achievement with their native-born Israeli peers.

Supporting co-existence between Jews and Arabs and equal opportunities for Israel’s Arab citizens has always been a priority. In this regard, the Foundation counts among its projects the construction of community centers as well as a library and a neighborhood center for Arab and Jewish children. It has also supported job-search workshops for Arab university graduates and projects to empower Arab and Bedouin women and their families.

Over the years, the Clore Foundation has constructed a range of facilities and implemented programmes that promote health and well-being for the entire community throughout the length and breadth of Israel. These include hospitals, health care clinics, a home for the elderly, a cancer hostel, and a new school for special education.

Finally, the Foundation has made several significant contributions to the world of culture and recreation which epitomize the Clore Foundation’s interest in improving the quality of life for as many people as possible and especially in helping to make cultural and leisure facilities accessible to all.