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Opening Hours:

Sunday to Thursday: ‬09:00-17:00

Fridays and Holiday eves: ‬09:00-14:00

Yad Vashem is closed on Saturdays and all Jewish Holidays.

Entrance to the Holocaust History Museum is not permitted for children under the age of 10. Babies in strollers or carriers will not be permitted to enter.

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Understanding and Teaching Holocaust Education - Paula Cowan and Henry Maitles

Richelle Budd Caplan
  1. Cowan, P. and Maitles H. (2017). Understanding and Teaching Holocaust Education. London: SAGE, p. 65.
  2. ibid, p. 59.
  3. ibid, p. 83.
  4. ibid, p. 128.
  5. ibid, p. 9.
  6. ibid, pp. 143-4.
  7. The White House, Office of the Press Secretary. "Statement by the President on International Holocaust Remembrance Day." Accessed February 14, 2017.  “It is with a heavy heart and somber mind that we remember and honor the victims, survivors, heroes of the Holocaust. It is impossible to fully fathom the depravity and horror inflicted on innocent people by Nazi terror. “Yet, we know that in the darkest hours of humanity, light shines the brightest. As we remember those who died, we are deeply grateful to those who risked their lives to save the innocent. “In the name of the perished, I pledge to do everything in my power throughout my Presidency, and my life, to ensure that the forces of evil never again defeat the powers of good. Together, we will make love and tolerance prevalent throughout the world.”
  8. Council of Europe. "Declaration by the European Ministers of Education (18 October 2002)." Accessed February 14, 2017.https://rm.coe.int/CoERMPublicCommonSearchServices/DisplayDCTMContent?documentId=090000168008da51.
  9. For examples of online media from Yad Vashem that the book's target audiences may find useful, please see the Video Toolbox (https://www.yadvashem.org/education/educational-videos.html) and massive open online course (MOOC) (/education/online-courses/the-holocaust).
  10. Cowan and Maitles, Understanding, pp. 148-9.