This unit is part of a series of online educational units on select topics within Holocaust education. In these unique educational environments, we present a variety of teaching aids and auxiliary materials to assist the educator in teaching the subject, offering educators not only the historical information they need, but also the pedagogical tools to facilitate the lesson. The format allows educators to choose from the range of materials offered: lesson plans, presentations, archival materials, filmed testimonies, historical clips, Pages of Testimony and primary source materials (documents, photographs, diaries, maps, etc.), as well as video lectures.
The subject matter of an educational unit on the perpetrators of the Holocaust is fraught with difficulty. The question of how some human beings became the mass murderers of others – men, women and children – makes such a unit unnervingly difficult to approach. This holds true for both subject matter and the issues that the educator might seek to convey. As with any meaningful teaching of events during the Holocaust, the teacher must have a firm general grasp of the events, and in this unit we focus on the major stages that lead to the "Final Solution". This unit includes a teacher's guide on this topic, as well as aids to learn about and teach this tragedy: short videos for the teacher, historical overview articles, video and written testimonies, online exhibitions, photographs and documents, and key words. The material here presented is meant as an overview for teachers on the major stages of the Final Solution, in order to establish the foundational historical knowledge necessary for any educational discussion of the Holocaust.
- The Death March to Volary - 1300 women. 500 miles. 106 days.
- The Untold Stories: The Murder Sites of the Jews in the Occupied Territories of the Former USSR
- The Valley of the Communities
- The Architecture of Murder - the Auschwitz-Birkenau Blueprints
- "Stay Together!" - the Fate of Jewish Families in 1944
- Expansion of German Conquest and Policy Towards Jews
- The Conquest of Poland and the Beginnings of Jewish Persecution
- The Beginning of the Final Solution
- The Implementation of the Final Solution
- The Implementation of the Final Solution - Auschwitz-Birkenau Extermination Camp
- Death Marches - Last Jews in the Last Months of the German Reich
- The Auschwitz Trials
- Extract from the Speech by Hitler, January 30, 1939
- The Wehrmacht and the Einsatzgruppen Aktionen, 1941
- Instructions by Reinhard Heydrich on Policy and Operations Concerning Jews in the Occupied Territories, September 21, 1939
- Exchange of Letters Between Reichskommissar Lohse and the Ministry For The Eastern Territories, Concerning The "Final Solution"
- Extract From a Report by Karl Jaeger, Commander Of Einsatzkommando 3, on the Extermination Of Lithuanian Jews, 1941
- Paul Salitter's Report
- Signed Obligation by SS Men Taking Part In an Extermination Operation To Observe Secrecy July 18, 1942
- Nuremberg Trials (Lexicon Entry)
- From the Notes of Kurt Gerstein, Engineer Working for the SS, on the Extermination Camp at Belzec
- Aktion 1005
- Babi Yar
- Einsatzgruppen
- Final Solution
- Frank, Kurt
- Gas Chambers
- Globocnik, Odilo
- Goeth, Amon Leopold
- Hess, Rudolph
- Heydrich, Reinhard
- I.G. Farben
- Jodl, Alfred
- Kaltenbrunner, Ernst
- Keitel, Wilhelm
- The Killing Sites
- Nuremberg Trials
- Ohlendorf, Otto
- Ponar (Ponary)
- Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA)
- Rosenberg, Alfred
- Speer, Albert
- SS
- Stangl, Franz
- Ribbentrop, Joachim Von
- Wannsee Conference
- Wehrmacht