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Sun-Thurs: 09:00-16:00
Fridays and holiday eves: 09:00-13:00
Saturday and Jewish holidays – Closed

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1944 – Interactive Map and Timeline

Jews “On the Edge”

This interactive map is designed as a teaching aid, to help illustrate the events of 1944, a fateful year.

  1. These films allow a glimpse into several Jewish communities featured on the map and, taken as a whole, offer a "microcosm" of Jewish communities in Europe as a whole. Through these films, students see the faces, the sights and sounds, the streets, and the rich and vibrant life that existed before the war. Choose one of the featured communities and try to reconstruct its history utilizing the relevant resources on the Yad Vashem website:
  2. The historical context provides the historical framework. However, testimonies provide the personal aspects of the people who experienced them. Discuss the meaning of "end" for the survivors featured in the films. (for example, the area in which Avraham Aviel had lived in 1944 was liberated by the Red Army at the same time as Hanna Bar-Yesha's family was deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau.) You can also discuss the contribution of personal testimony to understanding the evenets and the various viewpoints provided by personal testimony.
  3. Watch the films and read the timeline. Discuss these contrasting events with your students. How is it possible that even as the Germans were retreating, and needed a workforce to assist with carrying this out, they continued to the deport Jews to the death camps?

How to Use the Map and Timeline

The interactive map and timeline are teaching aids designed to convey the events of 1944.

In the map: Click the ► button to play the relevant video

In the timeline: to view the major event that occurred throughout 1944, click the name of the month.

Map and Timeline
  • 1.The Diary of Eva Heyman, Yad Vashem: Jerusalem 1974, pp. 103- 105.