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Two Rings: A Story of Love and War

Study Guide

Two Rings is Millie Werber's personal and heart-wrenching memoir of her remarkable experiences surviving the Holocaust, as written in collaboration with Eve Keller.

"At the heart of this magnetic memoir lies something utterly unexpected: a story of a love that blazed briefly in one of the darkest corners of occupied Poland.
Born in central Poland in the town of Radom, she [Millie] found herself, at fourteen confined in a ghetto in 1941, a slave laborer in an armaments factory in the summer of 1942, and transported to Auschwitz in the summer of 1944, before being marched to a second armaments factory. She faced death many times; indeed, she was certain that she would not survive. But she did. Many years later, when Millie began to share her past with Eve Keller, the two women rediscovered the world of the teenage girl Millie had been during the war. In gripping detail, Millie and Eve recreate the events and emotions of Millie's remarkable, wartime survival. They also reveal Millie's most precious, private memory: of a Jewish policeman to whom Millie was secretly married for a few brief months. He died leaving Millie with a single photograph and two rings of gold that affirm a great and abiding love in the bleakest imaginable time."

This study guide includes some excerpts from the book Two Rings, with which you can work with your students, and around which you can ask relevant questions in relation to some of the experiences that Millie faced during the Holocaust.

Throughout the Holocaust people were faced with impossible situations, choiceless choices and dilemmas on a daily basis. Millie's story deals with these topics and with others. Her account can therefore enable us to gain an important personal perspective on these crucial issues. In this study guide, we include some excerpts from the book that illustrate some of these difficult situations, such as hunger, work, separation, and others. We provide you with tools to analyze them. We suggest holding discussions with the students around these topics. These can initially be held in groups which can be followed by whole-class discussions. During these discussions try to elucidate the meaning of the situations Millie found herself in:

  • Which, and if, there were choices she could make?
  • What can we learn from those choices about Millie, about human beings, and about that period of time?

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Hebrew version

Educational Philosophy
A. Hunger
B. Taking Care of Someone
C. Separation
D. Work
E. Lending a Hand
F. Return to Life