Director of the Righteous Among the Nations Department Irena Steinfeldt guided the President through the Holocaust History Museum.
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21 March 2018
The President of the Republic of Bulgaria H.E. Mr. Rumen Georgiev Radev visited Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center, today, Wednesday, 21 March 2018. The President toured the Holocaust History Museum, participated in a memorial ceremony in the Hall of Remembrance and visited the Children's Memorial.
At the conclusion of the visit, President Radev wrote in the Yad Vashem Guest Book:
"There are moments in life when words are useless and thoughts are confused. Such moments come after a meeting with the darkest ever evil in human history – the Shoah, the Holocaust – that destroyed millions of people and opened the deepest abyss before humanity. However, even after the darkest hour, there is always a ray of hope that humanity can overcome the downfall and look towards a better future. To do so, we should never forget what was done, and we should always remember the victims of the Holocaust. They are not statistics but real people with real dreams and aspirations whose lives were brutally crushed in their great numbers by the ugliest of evils – Nazism. May it never appear again!"