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Visiting Info
Opening Hours:

Sunday to Thursday: ‬09:00-17:00

Fridays and Holiday eves: ‬09:00-14:00

Yad Vashem is closed on Saturdays and all Jewish Holidays.

Entrance to the Holocaust History Museum is not permitted for children under the age of 10. Babies in strollers or carriers will not be permitted to enter.

Drive to Yad Vashem:
For more Visiting Information

Wallet that protected Dov Weissberg from being injured by a bullet in his hiding place in Warsaw

The school identity card from 1939 in the name of Jozef Balicki that Dov Weissberg carried during the war, is but one of many testaments to his miraculous survival during the Holocaust. Above the assumed name ‘Jozef Balicki’ is a photograph of a youth with a pronounced Semitic appearance that leaves little doubt as to his Jewish identity. During the Holocaust, the likelihood of Jews successfully hiding from the Nazis and their collaborators in occupied countries was weak at best. That a Jew with such a Semitic appearance would be able to hide behind a false identity was almost impossible. Despite this, Dov Weissberg was among the few to survive  out of the 340,000 Jews who had lived in Lvov, his birthplace, prior to the German occupation.

The wallet that protected Dov from being injured by a bullet in his hiding place in Warsaw. The stick passes through the bullet holes.
The wallet that protected Dov from being injured by a bullet in his hiding place in Warsaw. The stick passes through the bullet holes.

The wallet that protected Dov from being injured by a bullet in his hiding place in Warsaw. The stick passes through the bullet holes.
Dov as a child
Dov as a child

Dov as a child
A forged school identity card in the name of Jozef Balicki, Poland, 1938
A forged school identity card in the name of Jozef Balicki, Poland, 1938

A forged school identity card in the name of Jozef Balicki, Poland, 1938
Dov Weissberg's temporary identity card from 1950, the year in which he immigrated to Israel
Dov Weissberg's temporary identity card from 1950, the year in which he immigrated to Israel

Dov Weissberg's temporary identity card from 1950, the year in which he immigrated to Israel
The Page of Testimony that Dov submitted in memory of his brother Marian
The Page of Testimony that Dov submitted in memory of his brother Marian

The Page of Testimony that Dov submitted in memory of his brother Marian