Jews who were deported from the Krakow Ghetto to the extermination camps in March 1943.
On the eve of World War II, approximately 60,000 of Krakow’s 250,000 residents were Jewish. Krakow was occupied by the German army on 6 September 1939, and in October, the occupying authorities declared Krakow the capital of the Generalgouvernement (the political administrative entity established by the Nazis in parts of occupied Poland that had not been annexed to the Reich). In the period May 1940-March 1941, some 40,000 Jews were deported from Krakow, leaving only 11,000 Jews in the city.
The Krakow Ghetto was established in March 1941, incarcerating some 18,000 Jews from Krakow itself and the surrounding areas. The deportation of the ghetto’s Jews to the Auschwitz and Belzec death camps began in March 1942. Some 2,000 Jews from the Krakow Ghetto were deported to the Plaszow labor camp. The deportations ended in March 1943.
Yad Vashem Photo Archives 4832