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Visiting Info
Opening Hours:

Sunday to Thursday: ‬09:00-17:00

Fridays and Holiday eves: ‬09:00-14:00

Yad Vashem is closed on Saturdays and all Jewish Holidays.

Entrance to the Holocaust History Museum is not permitted for children under the age of 10. Babies in strollers or carriers will not be permitted to enter.

Drive to Yad Vashem:
For more Visiting Information

Belgium PM - Guy Verhofstadt

Whenever I think of the Holocaust, I see that same photograph in my mind's eye. A young boy in Auschwitz. Wearing short trousers and a cap on his head. His hands up. There is nobody around him. He is standing alone, totally alone, staring into the barrel of a gun.

His picture is burnt into my brain. I feel as if that young boy is looking at me with uncomprehending eyes. He asks me: "What is going on? Where are my parents, my brothers, my sisters? How can people do such things? What did I do wrong?"

These are questions I cannot answer. Something that cannot be comprehended. It looks most like a disease. A mental disease that rots away conscience. The disease of racism, of antiSemitism, of xenophobia.