Plan your Visit To Yad Vashem

Sun-Thurs: 08:30-17:00
Fridays and holiday eves: 08:30-14:00
Saturday and Jewish holidays – Closed

Yad Vashem is open to the general public, free of charge. All visits to Yad Vashem must be reserved in advance.

Media Arrangements for the 5th World Holocaust Forum at Yad Vashem

15 January 2020

There will be a special press conference in the Press Center at Yad Vashem on Thursday 23 January 2020 at 10:30 with Yad Vashem Chairman Avner Shalev and President of the World Holocaust Forum Foundation Dr. Moshe Kantor.

The press conference will be broadcast live via GPO's Facebook Page.

Please note, due to security arrangements for the Fifth World Holocaust Forum, Yad Vashem will be closed to the public on Wednesday and Thursday, 22-23 January 2020.

Live Feed of the World Holocaust Forum:

The World Holocaust Forum will be available live via satellite feed (worldfeed) and internet access codes in HD quality by "Mizmor Productions HD" to media agencies all over the world free of charge.

Yad Vashem's website will broadcast the event with simultaneous translation in six languages – English, French, German, Hebrew, Russian and Spanish. Additionally, the Forum will be live streamed via Facebook on the Yad Vashem and GPO pages.

Organizations interested in receiving the live broadcast of the 5th World Holocaust Forum for their organization/company’s Facebook Page, please be in touch with Ariel Eitan - Director of the New Media Department at the Government Press Office:

Live feed to start at 13:00 prior to the event.

The World Holocaust Forum main event area is closed to the press.

Photographs and videos will be downloadable via a special GPO VOD server

International Media Still Pool:

  1. Abir Sultan, EPA                    
  2. Ronen Zvulun, Reuters.

Press Center at Yad Vashem:

Media interested in covering the Forum from Yad Vashem must have reserved and confirmed a spot at the Press Center at Yad Vashem.

Wednesday, 22 January 2020

The Press Center at Yad Vashem will be open on Wednesday, 22 January 2020 between 10:00–16:00, to media outlets for setup of heavy equipment, including MBUs.  Set-ups must be arranged in advance with the Press Center coordinators.

Thursday, 23 January 2020

On Thursday, 23 January, the Yad Vashem Press Center will be open to journalists between 07:30-20:00.

The Press Center will be fully equipped with the following:

  • Live streaming of the event proceedings
  • Dedicated Wi-Fi
  • Workstations
  • Holocaust survivors and Yad Vashem experts – who may be interviewed by members of the press and provide commentary about the significance of this event and its content

Important Equipment:

All press should come prepared with the following essential equipment.

  • Wired devices only
  • 5 meter cables
  • Electrical convertors for foreign equipment

On Thursday, 23 January 2020, there will be NO access for private vehicles at Yad Vashem. There will be dedicated shuttle buses for the press, which will operate between the Mount. Herzl Parking Lot and the Press Center at Yad Vashem.

Press should arrive at Mount Herzl with both valid ID and valid GPO credentials.  No firearms will be permitted on the Yad Vashem premises.

  • Starting at 07:00 and until 10:30, dedicated press shuttles will run continuously between the Mount Herzl Parking Lot and the Press Center at Yad Vashem.
  • The last shuttle will depart the Mount Herzl Parking Lot at 10:30.
  • During the actual event, 13:30-16:30, there will be two slots where press will be able to depart the Press Center via special shuttle service to the Mount Herzl Parking Lot at 14:30 and 15:15.
  • Shuttle service departing Yad Vashem will resume at approximately 18:30

There will be shuttle services to Yad Vashem departing from the Headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Mount Herzl Parking Lot. The shuttles will depart the MFA (entrance on Yoel Zisman Street) at 07:30, 08:15, 09:00 and 09:45.

Satellite and Internet Distribution

Dates and timings: 23/01/2020 11:00 - 15:00 GMT

Signal information:
Video: international world feed including Graphics
Channel 1- international L
Channel 2- international R
Channel 3- Hebrew simultaneous translation
Channel 4- English simultaneous translation
Channel 5- Russian simultaneous translation
Channel 6- French simultaneous translation
Channel 7- German simultaneous translation
Channel 8- Spanish simultaneous translation

E10A @ 10° E
E10A TXP B03 CH 6C1 6MHz
HD 1080i/50 DVBS2-8PSK (25%) FEC 5/6 S.R.: 3.333 Ms/s
Pilot: Off (MPEG 4 / H.264 / 4:2:0

AS5 @ 100.5° E AS5 TXP C7V 9AV 9MHz
HD 1080i/50 DVBS2-8PSK (25%) FEC 5/6 S.R.: 3.333 Ms/s
Pilot: Off (MPEG 4 / H.264 / 4:2:0

SES-14 @ 312.5E
SES-14 HEL-03/HER-03 CH6/8 6MHz
HD 1080i/59.94 DVBS2-8PSK (25%) FEC 5/6 S.R.: 3.333 Ms/s
Pilot: Off (MPEG 4 / H.264 / 4:2:0

In case of immediate operational problems, the MX1 Control Centre can be contacted at +97229904466


Live video PGM link

Facebook livestreams:
Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center, will be providing a
live stream of the event proceedings on their official Facebook pages in both English and Hebrew. At the beginning of the event on January 23rd, please visit our Facebook pages to watch the live broadcast of the event.

In English
In Hebrew

YouTube Links – Translated Streams

Broadcast requests:

The European Jewish Congress (EJC) hereby authorizes you to broadcast, transmit, upload, edit and translate the live broadcast of the Fifth World Holocaust Forum from 23 January 2020 until 30 January 2020 (23:59), on your various platforms. After 30 January 2020 at 23:59, if you wish to make the broadcast available or to archive it on your various platforms, you will be required to apply for VNR rights (video news release) from the copyright holders of the archival materials used in the video productions in the live broadcast. To receive the detailed list of the third parties whose material you will need to clear , please contact  the EJC after 26.1.2020, at