The International Institute for Holocaust Research is active in organizing symposia, workshops and international conferences sometimes in collaboration with universities and other research institutions in Israel and abroad. These academic events bring together established and new scholars to promote cooperation and discussion, address new research, reassess previously researched topics, and disseminate scholarly findings.

Dr. Arkadi Zeltser, director of the Moshe Mirilashvili Center for Research on the Holocaust in the Soviet Union, speaking at the 2017
Upcoming Events
The Yad Vashem Biennial International Conference Virtual Conference on Zoom
Jewish Resistance during the Holocaust Revisited
Monday–Wednesday, December 16–18, 2024, The Virtual Conference will be held in English.
(For more information please write to
For over forty years Yad Vashem has been organizing a biennial international conference dedicated to central topics on Holocaust research. Throughout the year the Research Institute hosts smaller international conferences as well as national conferences.
Throughout the year the Research Institute hosts in-person and virtual workshops. These workshops bring together Holocaust scholars from different academic disciplines to discuss new research topics and promote cooperation between scholars.
The Research Institute convenes one-day symposia on a variety of topics. Some of the symposia are dedicated to the launching of books published by Yad Vashem.
The Research Institute organizes three endowed lectures every year: The John Najmann Chair of Holocaust Studies Annual Lecture; the Annual Lecture in Memory of Professor David Bankier, z”l; The Danek Gertner Yad Vashem Research Scholarship - Annual Lecture. In addition, the Research Institute hosts in-person and zoom lectures featuring both new and renowned Holocaust scholars, which include the Institute’s research fellows.