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Past Research Fellows

Research Postdoctoral Fellows and Their Topics

October 1993 - July 2014
[122 Fellowships Awarded]

Dr. Daniel Blatman
The Last Step in the Final Solution:  The Death March

Dr. Nachum Bogner
The Returning of Jews That Have Lived Under False Identity to the Jewish Society

Dr. Renée Poznanski
Daily Life of the Jews in France


Prof. Yehuda Bauer
The Impact and Its Implication of the Holocaust on the Process that Led to the Establish of the State of Israel

Dr. Dalia Ofer
The Creation of Holocaust Knowledge and Memory in Israeli Society, 1948-1968

Dr. Hanna Yablonka
The Eichmann Trial:  Its Significance and Reflection


Dr. Nili Keren
The Educational System and Its Context with the Holocaust, 1980-1995

Dr. Hava Eshkoli
The Religious Zionism Through the Holocaust

Dr. Shmuel Krakowski
The Chelmno Camp

Dr. Peter Longerich
The Fate of the Jews that were Deported 1941-1942 from Central Europe to Belarus

Dr. Beni Morris
The Attitudes of Hebrew Journals to Nazis, 1933-1939

Dr. Dina Porat
The Biography of Abba Kovner

Dr. Shmuel Spector
The Jews in the Underground and the Partisans During the Fighting in the Soviet Ukraine Area (1941 Borders During the Nazi Occupation)

Dr. Andrej Zbikowski
The Jews and the Polish Relations in the Areas of the East under Soviet Occupation Since 1939


Dr. Jean Ancel
The Holocaust in Romania

Dr. Ester Ashkenazi
The Activity of the Right Wing in the Zionist Movement in the Sherit Hapleitah,1945-1948

Dr. Shlomo Bar-Gil
Children Houses in Europe After the War

Dr. Graciella Ben-Dror
The Catholic Church and the Jewish People Between the Two World Wars and During the Holocaust:  Comparative Aspects

Dr. Daniel Frankel
The Daily Life of Jews in Nazi Germany in the 30s Through the Documentation of the CV

Prof. Saul Friedländer
The Comprehensive History of the Holocaust, Vol. II

Dr. Bella Gutterman
The Sub-camp of Gross-Rosen and the Other Work Camps in this Region

Dr. Wolf Gruner
Pressing the Jews from Social Help:  The Anti-Jewish Policies from Local Authorities

Dr. Susanne Heim
An Analysis of European Jewish Refugee Testimonies in Light of the Policies of the International Organizations Towards Refugees

Prof. Dov Kulka
The Researcher of the German Population Attitude to Jews During World War II

Dr. Adam Penkalla
The Publication of the Files of the Jewish Committee in Radom Area 1945-1950

Dr. Edith Zrtal
The Holocaust Memory and the Creation of the Israel, identity, 1943-1946 


Prof. Avraham Barkai
The History of the Centralverein deutscher Staatsbuerger juedischen Gaubens, 1893-1938

Prof. David Cesarani
Rescuing the Rescuers from “The Myth of Rescue”:The Case of Arthur Koestler

Dr. Renée Poznanski
Daily Life of the Jews in France


Prof. Inge Marszolek
Informants in Germany, 1933-1955

Prof. Szymon Rudricki
Attitude of the Armed Nationalist Organizations and Right-Wing Movements Toward Jews During the German Occupation in Poland


Dr. Sergei Kudryashov
Russian Collaboration with the Nazis and the Extermination of the Jewish Population, 1941-1945

Dr. Michal Unger
A Reconsideration of the Personality of Mordechai Rumkowski, the Judenaelteste in Łódź


Dr. Katarina Hradska
The Activities of the Slovak Central Jewish Organization in the Period of the Holocaust

Dr. Nikolai Iwanow
Soviet and Polish National Resistance Movements in Belarus and the Holocaust of the Belarus

Dr. Yehoiakim Kohavi
Everyday Life of German Jews on the Eve of Deportation

Dr. Joanna Michlic-Coren
Children’s Experience of the Holocaust:  The Case of Polish Jewish Children:  The Sociological Reconstruction of Daily Life Experience

Dr. Iris Milner
Revival of Jewish Literature in the DP Camps

Dr. Jan Nemecek
Attitudes of the Czechoslovak Exile Government in London towards the Fate of Jews during the Holocaust Period

Prof. Eduard Niznansky
Holocaust in Central Europe: Local Perpetrators. The Social Environment of the Holocaust 

Dr. Pavel Polian
The Forced Labor of Jews in the Occupied Territories of the Former Soviet Union during World War II

Prof. Renée Poznanski
Jewish Resistance in France during World War II

Dr. Michael Wildt
Violence against Jews in Germany, 1930-1939


Prof. Mordechai Altshuler
The Impact of the Holocaust on the National Conscience of the Soviet Jews

Dr. Sandra Goldstein
German Exiles in France 1933-1945:  History and Memory in Literary Writing

Dr. Oliver Benjamin Hemmerle
Forging of Banknotes in the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp During World War II and Its Aftermath

Prof. David Kranzler
A Comparative Study on the Worldwide Rescue Effort by Orthodox Jewry During the Holocaust Within the Context of Rescue in General

Dr. Attila Novak
Zionist Resistance in Hungary

Dr. Guy Miron
The Modern Historical Jewish Perception on the Hungarian Jewry in the 1930s-1940s in the Twentieth Century

Prof. Dalia Ofer
The Individual and the Collective in East European Ghettos During the Holocaust

Dr. Roni Stauber
The Impact of the Memory of the Holocaust and the Struggle Against Antisemitism on Israeli Foreign Policy 1948-1967



Dr. Sara Bender
The Participation of the Poles in the Murder of the Jews in the Eastern Territories of Poland (Counties:  Lomza-Grajewo) June – September 1941

Dr. Z’ev Mankowitz
Public Discourse in European Jewry in the Wake of the Holocaust: A Documentary History 1944-1950

Dr. Annamaria Orla-Bukowska
The Cross, The Magen David, and Auschwitz-Birkenau:  Symbols in Conflict in the Post-Shoah World

Dr. Dan Porat
The Memory of the Holocaust Among Adolescents and Their Parents

Dr. Ada Shine
Newspapers and Books as Educational and Cultural Agents in the Jewish DP camps in Germany

Dr. Julija Sûkys
Beloved Profession:  Archives, Life-writing and the Impossibility of Memoir

Dr. Susanne Urban
Prepared to Emigrate?  Jewish Children in Germany Between 1933-1938:  Life in Eretz Israel as Mentioned in German-Jewish Children’s Books Compared to Testimonies of Children from the Youth Aliyah – Imagination and Reality


Dr. Jean-Marc Dreyfus 
The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs Facing the Holocaust, 1933-1957

Dr. Yvonne Kozlovsky-Golan 
Nuremberg Trials 1946:  A Historical Reality, A Journalist Story, and Hollywood Fiction

Dr. Judit Molnár 
Editing the Diary Otto Komoly Kept in 1944

Dr. Iael Nidam-Orvieto 
Between Persecution and Destruction: Italian Jews Facing Ever Increasing Crises, 1943-1945

Dr. Natan Ofek 
The Contributions of the Works of Sigmund Freud, Franz Kafka, and Walter Benjamin to the Understanding of the Holocaust

Dr. Shlomo Shealtiel 
The Jews of Bulgaria During the Second World War

Dr. Daniel Uziel 
The Forced Labor in the German Aeronautics Industry, 1944-1945


Prof. Michael Bazyler
Holocaust, Genocide and the Law

Dr. Valentinas Brandišauakas
Holocaust in Lithuanian Provinces

Dr. Tommaso Dell’Era
Racial and Antisemitic Cultural Policies and Propaganda in Italy, Germany, and Central-Eastern Europe (1938-1943):  A Comparative Analysis

Dr. Amos Goldberg
The Helpless ‘I’” – Diary Writing During the Holocaust

Dr. Rita Horvath
A Comparative Study of Testimonies Taken with Jewish Survivors by the National Relief Committee for Deportees in Hungary and Other Large-Scale Historical Memorial Projects of She’erit Hapletah following the Shoah (1945-1948)

Dr. Albert Kaganovitch
Jewish Refugees in Central Asia During World War II

Dr. Dariusz Libionka
The Polish Underground State and the Jews 1939-1945

Dr. Mirjam Rajner
Jewish Artists in the Former Yugoslavia During the Era of the Holocaust and Its Aftermath

Prof. Gregory Weeks
The Vienna Police and the Deportation of Jews, 1938-1944


Dr. Doron Avraham
Between the Jews’ Law and the Racial Law:  The Attempts of Jews in Germany to Define Racial Collective Identity, 1933-1943

Dr. Jochen Böhler
Western “Cultured Nations”, Eastern “Subhumanity”? The Wehrmacht Between Tradition, NS-Ideology, War of Annihilation, and Holocaust in Europe, 1939-1945

Dr. Valentinas Brandišauakas
Holocaust in Lithuanian Provinces

Dr. Diana Dumitru
Society in Crisis:  The Attitude of the Population Towards the Holocaust in Bessarabia and Transnistria

Dr. Jeannine (Levana) Frenk
Righteous Among the Nations in France – A Sociological Profile

Dr. Edyta Gawron
Running Away from the Land of the Holocaust: Social Aspects of Post-Holocaust Migrations of Polish Jews (1945-1948)

Prof. Jean-Charles Szurek
The Holocaust and the Post-Holocaust Jewish-Polish Relations:  Estimating and Understanding the Perceptions


Dr. Kimmy Caplan
Extreme Haredim and the Holocaust:  Doubts and Strategies of Coping

Dr. Sharon Kangisser Cohen
The Fate of the Elderly During the Holocaust

Dr. Arturo Marzano
Holocaust Survivors and the Italian Jews:  The Impact of the Shoah on the Reconstruction of the Italian Jewish Communities

Dr. Aleksandra Namysło
The Situation of the Jewish Population in Eastern Upper Silesia Contrasted with the Situation of Jews on the Remaining Polish Territories Incorporated into the Reich

Dr. Leonid Rein
The Encounter Between Germans and Ostjuden During the First World War and its Aftermath

Prof. Yfaat Weiss
Lea Goldberg’s German Years


Dr. Natalia Aleksiun
Facing Antisemitism at Polish Universities Between the Two World Wars

Prof. Götz Aly
The Holocaust, Europe and the 20th Century

Prof. Zvi Gitelman
Dimensions of the Holocaust in the USSR:  Policies, Perceptions, Paradoxes

Dr. Laura Jockusch
Jewish Concepts of Retributive Justice in Postwar Europe, 1945-1955

Dr.  Helene Sinnreich
A Social History of the Krakow Ghetto

Dr. Vladimir Solonari
Jews and Gentiles in Transnistria, 1941-1944

Dr. Eli Tzur
The Phoenix: HaShomer Hatzair Youth Movement in Poland, 1944-1950


Dr. Kiril Feferman
To Stay or To Flee:  Soviet Jews in the Northern Caucasus Facing the German Invasion in 1941-1942

Dr. Isaac Hershkowtiz
Guidelines for Studying Holocaust Kabalah

Dr. Willa Johnson
Holocaust Art:  Documenting History and Resistance by Ghetto Artists

Dr. Etienne Lepicard
The Nuremberg Medical Trial and the Construction of the Ethical Discourse in Medicine, Israel, 1947-1970

Dr. Maryna Mykhaylyuk
Anti-Semitic Propaganda of Nazis in the Ukraine, 1941-1944

Dr. Filippo Petrucci
The Role of North African Jews in France Within the Zionist Movement Between 1930-1945

Dr. Oula Silvennoinen
A Silent Partner?  Finland, the Security Authorities and the Holocaust

Dr. Assaf Yedidya
The Nazis’ Attacks on the Talmud and the Jewish Apologetic Reactions in the 1930s


Dr. Michal Aharony
Total Domination Between Conception and Experience: Rethinking The Arendtian Account Through Holocaust Testimonies

Dr. Karen Auerbach
Knowledge of Genocide, Archival Collection and Jewish Responses:  Dissemination of Information Among Jews in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union During the Holocaust

Dr. Yael Feldman
“Not/ As Sheep to the Slaughter”? An Unknown, Pre-Holocaust Cultural History

Dr. Valeria Galimi
Antisemitic Engagement of the Intellectuals in Occupied Europe

Dr. Jan Grabowski
Detecting the Jews in Hiding:  The Case of the District of the Generalgouvernement, 1942-1945

Dr. Pim Griffioen
Comparing Jewish Coping Strategies, Hiding, and Escape Opportunities in the Netherlands with Belgium and France, 1941-1944

Dr. Sara Kadosh
The Rescue Activities of Rabbi Dr. Shaul Weingort During the Holocaust

Dr. Martin Sadeh
What Happened to the Jews in Algeria Under Vichy, 1940-1942


Dr. Eliyana Adler
Fate of Polish-Jewish Refugees in the Soviet Union During the Second World War

Dr. Barbara Engelking
Polish-Jewish Relations in the Context of Denunciation and the Murder of Jews by Poles

Dr. Gabriella Geraldina Frijtag Von Drabbe Künzel 
Dutch Settlements in the Occupied Soviet Territories and the Holocaust (1941-1944)

Dr. Alicia Ramos González
Ripped from the Jewish Female Literary Genealogy.  Women Writers in Ghettos of Warsaw Łodź

Dr Altman, Ilya
Peculiarities of the Holocaust on the Territory of the Russian Federation:  History, Historiography, Memorialization

Prof. Berel Lang
Primo Levi and the Matter of a Life

Dr. Katarzyna Person
Jewish Order Service in the Warsaw Ghetto, 1940-1943

Dr. Nikolaos Tzafleris
The Destruction of Salonican Jews: Persecution, Extermination and Spoliation

Prof. Krinka Vidakovic-Petrov
The Cultural Perspective in Holocaust Studies

Dr Cinzia Villani 
Jewish Displaced Persons in Italy, 1945-1948, Assistance and Daily Life

Dr. Daniel Nadav
The "Medicalization" of the Holocaust

Dr.  Tobias Ebbrecht
Depicting Deportation on Film: Moving Images from the Period of Holocaust

Prof. Barbara Engelking
Jewish Survival Strategies. Poland 1942-1945

Dr. August Grabski
The Anti-Zionist Left’s Publishing Activities in the Warsaw Ghetto

Dr. Daniel Lee
Stepping Out of the Hara: The Experiences of Jewish Women in Tunisia During the Second World War

Dr. Daniel Reiser
Publishing a Scientific and Annotated Edition of Rabbi Shapira’s Sermon During the Holocaust

Dr. Alexander Gogun
Fear of Anti-Semitism:  Soviet Partisans and the Holocaust in the Ukraine, 1941-1944

Dr. Judit Molnar 
The Role of the Royal Hungarian Gendarmerie in the Holocaust

Dr. Fabien Theofilakis
Eichmann’s Notes in Trial, Jerusalem, April 1961-May 1962 


Prof. Julia Bock 
The Treatment:  Hungarian Jewish Doctors in the Shadow of the Holocaust

Dr. Justin Cammy
Avrom Sutzkever’s Memoir of the Vilna Ghetto:  From Moscow to Nuremberg

Dr. Edy Cohen
The Holocaust in the Eyes of the Arab World:  Antisemitism in the Arab Press During World War II

Prof. Sofija Grandakovska
Holocaust in Macedonia: On the Deportation of Macedonia Jews

Dr. László Karsai
The Royal Hungarian Foreign Ministry and the Holocaust

Prof. Walter Manoschek
Forgotten Victims of the Südostwall in Rechnitz and Deutsch Schützen:  Biographies of Murdered Hungarian-Jewish Slave Laborers and Testimony by Survivors

Dr. Yaron Pasher
Albert Ganzenmüller:  The “Steam” Behind the German War Machine and the “Final Solution”  The “Steam” Behind the German War Machine and the “Final Solution”

Prof. Vasilis Vourkoutiotis
A Micro-History Study of the Holocaust in Crete, Greece

Dr. Ephraim Zadoff
The Rescue of Jews by Means of Passports: Latin American Consuls in Europe During the Holocaust