When the persecution of the Jews by the Germans began, Princess Alice asked to be informed about the fate of the family Cohen. Having been informed by friends and by her lady in waiting Mrs. Virgineie Simofoulos about the plight of Mrs. Cohen and her young daughter Tilde, the Princess decided to offer her hospitality to the two ladies; in fact to hide them in her home and despite the danger this entailed.
The Princess put a small two-room apartment on the third floor at the disposal of Mrs. Cohen and her daughter. It had been the apartment of Prince Peter, son of Prince George. Michel Chohen, whose attempt to clandestinly flee to the Middle East had failed, also found refuge next to his mother and sister in this small apartment. It was thanks to the courageous rescue of Princess Alice that the three members of the Haim Cohen family were saved.
Having been the only one who was authorized by the Princess to visit the Cohen family and with only a very limited circle of the Princess who were loyal to her, we were the only ones who knew the secret. During the long and difficult years of the occupation I would visit Mrs. Cohen and her children in the apartment, help them maintain contact with the outside world, run errands for them and keep up their spirits. I gave them the money that their brother sent to me from Egypt….