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Opening Hours:

Sunday to Thursday: ‬09:00-17:00

Fridays and Holiday eves: ‬09:00-14:00

Yad Vashem is closed on Saturdays and all Jewish Holidays.

Entrance to the Holocaust History Museum is not permitted for children under the age of 10. Babies in strollers or carriers will not be permitted to enter.

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Responses to the Mass Murder of Jews in Vilna and Rescue Efforts

When the murders began in July 1941 rumours about the mass murder in Ponary reached the Judenrat. At the beginning of September six women who had been wounded by gunfire returned from Ponary to the Vilna Ghetto hospital where they told the hospital staff and Jacob Gens what was taking place in Ponary. The information was kept secret out of fear that the women might be taken back to Ponary. For the first few months the Jews of Vilna believed that the thousands of kidnapped men had been taken to work. The rumours slowly reached the public and it took months for their meaning to be understood.

Jew climbing out of a "malina" (hiding place) at 6 Strashun Street in Vilna. The underground fighters learned to shoot in this hiding place.
Jew climbing out of a "malina" (hiding place) at 6 Strashun Street in Vilna. The underground fighters learned to shoot in this hiding place.

Jew climbing out of a "malina" (hiding place) at 6 Strashun Street in Vilna. The underground fighters learned to shoot in this hiding place.
Jewish forced laborers, Vilna, during the war
Jewish forced laborers, Vilna, during the war

Jewish forced laborers, Vilna, during the war
Young women from Vilna in a labor camp near the town of Podbrodzie, photographed with the head of the work group, Gedalia Kaczerginski.
Young women from Vilna in a labor camp near the town of Podbrodzie, photographed with the head of the work group, Gedalia Kaczerginski.

All the women in the photograph were murdered.

Young women from Vilna in a labor camp near the town of Podbrodzie, photographed with the head of the work group, Gedalia Kaczerginski.
The entrance to the ghetto (newspaper cutting). The caption reads, "By the ghetto gate everyone is inspected and their clothes are searched".
The entrance to the ghetto (newspaper cutting). The caption reads, "By the ghetto gate everyone is inspected and their clothes are searched".

The entrance to the ghetto (newspaper cutting). The caption reads, "By the ghetto gate everyone is inspected and their clothes are searched".
FPO member Liza Magun, who was murdered in February 1943 at Ponary
FPO member Liza Magun, who was murdered in February 1943 at Ponary

FPO member Liza Magun, who was murdered in February 1943 at Ponary
Abram Berkon's ghetto work certificate, issued by the Fliegerhorst Kommandantur (German Air Force Headquarters) in Vilna, 22 August 1941
Abram Berkon's ghetto work certificate, issued by the Fliegerhorst Kommandantur (German Air Force Headquarters) in Vilna, 22 August 1941

Abram's name appears on a list of Jews detained at the Vilna ghetto prison in June 1943. His fate is unknown.

Abram Berkon's ghetto work certificate, issued by the Fliegerhorst Kommandantur (German Air Force Headquarters) in Vilna, 22 August 1941