During the Holocaust most people abandoned their Jewish neighbors, turned a blind eye or even participated in the persecution of the Jews. Among them were teachers, who watched as their students were marked, harassed, discriminated against and finally murdered. Only some felt that it was their duty not only to educate and instill values in the classroom, but to live by those ideals, even at the risk of their lives. Yad Vashem has recognized those teachers as Righteous Among the Nations. Here are some of their stories.
Joseph Migneret
The French school principal who rescued students in his school
Elisabeth Abegg
The German teacher who was dismissed because she wouldn’t abandon her students
Aleksander Kramarovskiy
The Russian mathematics teacher who saved his student
Benjamin Blankenstein
The Dutch village teacher who hid a Jewish family and paid with his life
Gerda Valentiner
The Danish teacher who participated in the rescue of the Jews of Denmark to Sweden
Nuro Hoxha
The Albanian Muslim teacher who saved a Jewish family
Vladimir Chernovol
The Ukrainian village teacher who saved a Jewish man
Sister Gertruda Stanisława Marciniak
The Polish nun who hid Jews in her orphanage
Jelena Glavaški
The Serbian kindergarten teacher who saved a former student
Johan (Joop) Westerweel
The Dutch teacher who established a rescue network and paid with his life
Amato Billour
The Italian English teacher who hid a Jewish boy in his home
Andrée Geulen
The Belgian teacher who became the rescuer of hundreds of children