"Don't Forget Me" - Children's Personal Albums From the Holocaust

"Be modest – so that my heart will love you"

Lydia Suzana Hӧnig's Personal Album

"Across the River "Tokiouse"
Mickey Mouse was born
He sent a message
That we should continue to be friends"

This dedication was written by Vera Baum in the album of her good friend Lydia Suzana Hӧnig (later Brenners).  Vera and Lydia were in the same class in the elementary school in Novi Sad, Yugoslavia.  Lydia and her family fled to Budapest in 1942 and survived.  Vera perished.

The album contains dedications to Lydia written by family and school friends in Novi Sad in 1940-1941.  Many of the writers perished in the Holocaust.

Lydia Brenners donated the album, documents and family photographs to Yad Vashem in 2015, as part of the Gathering the Fragments project. Continue reading...