"Don't Forget Me" - Children's Personal Albums From the Holocaust

“May forgetfulness make everything beautiful again”

Františka Quastler’s Personal Album

"English cookies
Beat four egg whites with 12 dekagrams (units of 10 grams) sugar for a long time. Add 12 dekagrams almonds (not blanched), and 12 dekagrams flour. Bake in an oblong pan. Slice thinly the following day."

Recipe that Františka Quastler (later Nurit Stern) wrote in her album in the Ravensbrück camp. On the cloth-bound front cover, the initials F. K. L. (women’s concentration camp) are embroidered in red thread. The book contains dedications written by camp inmates and recipes that she wrote herself. Nurit relates that the women would “cook” in their imagination. She made the book using pages that she stole from the factory and then connected with wire. She hid the book and the pencil inside her mattress. She continued to write in it after her liberation in April 1945. Continue reading...